Im 13 and others said that shaving my armpits can brand name it black or darken..can i already wax on my age?

i wanna get rid of these hair on my armpits but other associates said that it can darken my armpits..and if i tries to pluck hurts so much because maybe im stil 13 and my skin is not yet primed..(in my own opinion)lol...can i already try waxing at my age?ahm..BTW..where is wax found??is it in parlors?

What would produce this..?

if you're interested in wax...have it done by a pro..I actually enjoy never heard of waxing the underarms..though I guess it happen. waxing hurts just as much as tweezing..within fact it hurts a bit more..but with tweezing..its tresses by least near waxing, its all done contained by one shot. The first time I got a wax on my bikini area..I thought I be gonna die

It sarah again wrong category but i want to know if i should lift this arbitrary?

Shaving is the least painful process to do it... it does not darken your arm pits... You could try waxing but it's painful. I'm not sure if they donate this at parlors but they do sell packages at drug stores.

Here is advice for shaving:
-use like mad of shaving gel and let it stay on your skin awhile before you start shaving
-there is smaller quantity chance for infection if you go "near the grain" so downwards but you get a closer shave if you go "against the grain" which is upwards.
-if you experience infection (tiny red bumps) moisturize the skin next to a product (like dove that has a deodorant style type)

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why do u wanna do this??

better not alter what god has made you...besides you are a short time ago 13...dats too young to start going to parlours!!

and hell no its not the age factor.waxing hurts even if your 50!!{doesnt propose u become hard-skinned}

i would suggest avoiding sleeve cuts or dresses that expose your armpits!

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That's actually just a myth, the tresses grows the same, waxing is a good looks salons, it hurts, but it lasts around 4 weeks.

But at such a young age you shouldn't feel you HAVE to shave, it's pretty undue how guys don't have to shave, eh?

I would approaching to know what this is doing to my body please?

hun,,you can shave under your armpits nuthing fruitless will happen,,would you rather hold smooth armpits or hairy ones,,its up to you,,but 13 is definatly old ample
to shave i was shaving my legs when i was 9 lol and im finee;P

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shaving newly makes them look darker because you are adjectives your hair across than it tapering to a point when it grows in general.
I think that hair removal cream is best. Waxing hurts and I'm panicky of cutting myself

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Yeah you can try waxing...I'm simply 12 & I get mine waxed adjectives the time it doesnt hurt much.

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u can wax armpits at 13

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