Ideally I'd approaching to find a brand which you don't really notice you are using them, if at hand is any such thing, or if anyone can regard of any alternative methods of contraception please let me know! Thanks.
I be just curious if anyone have experience this?
My man and I use durex fetherlite... they are as light as a barb!
Breast reductions and paperwork?
IUD'stry depo or the implant
Try using the coil,
have u tried ribbed and the bobbly ones near little raised dots on? (both made by durex) ooh and tingle ones, they are certainly quite nice for women and your husband might attain off on the reality that you're having a great time.
One of you might opt for long-term sterilization. If that is not what you choice, try the lambskin or non latex vinyl condoms. They are thinner and allow for more sensation.
Maybe I do have a masterbating problem?
try the depo injection which u own every six months or the coil .. but as for condoms they all surface the same dont theyIf your just aim is preventing pregnancy, an IUD is definitely the process to go.
I have a friend that uses the Mirena coil. It releases levonegestel or something approaching that but only small amounts in actuality go into the bloodstream so it's unbelievably unlikely to cause migraine. My friend also seldom has a interval at all very soon and said she never gets PMS any! I am trying it myself next week because it have worked so well for her. The fitting feel slightly uncomfortable but it's worth it because it stays within for 7 years. The nurse told her to take a couple of paracetamol in the past the appointment. Hope this helps x
Well instead of using a condom on you using anything you could ask you doctor more or less treatment you husband could use to prevent you from getting pregnant. My father used this with my mother after they get their last child after 14yrs of finishing making children. Well, or so they thought. However, you could explore this leeway. My dad is not here now or I would enjoy asked him and let you know. Best construe though is to ask your doctor.
My love, within are many alternatives but unsophisticatedly, a condom is a condom... maybe you should try to install in you the diaphragm or other similar methods bring, as I tell you, more funny or not, near colours, smells, different materials...when you go at hand...a condom is like that... still if you are drunk you can "think" you have fun, or you can know you saved yourself from a decease, immediately, for making love there is not excuse, is simply awful.
What hurts more? Having sex or getting belly pierced?
IUD, Vasectomy, and Diaphragm.Im emmbaresed to shop for bras what should i do?
I can't recomend the IUS outstandingly enough. But everyone is different!Im on birth control and i hold had my time of year for two weeks. is this normal?
Ive hear that Durex featherlites are good!But ask your doctor for a different pill different pills suit different general public my aunt had to walk through 5 different ltos beforese found the one that suited her. Good luck
have you look at have the rode put surrounded by your arm work for up to 3 year and you cant fell it in here
babe adjectives pills are diff that why there is so various out there to suit everyone share your dr what you told us and he will put you on another huni xx
Probably an unrealistic question but I'm an optimist.?
you own not said whether you are likely to want children/more children. if then why not vasectomy or sterilisation. if you do next iud.Question about post-colposcopy?
What more or less the coil or try depo