My boobs really hurt. whats wrong?

**ive had my periodfor 2 years.

they hurt when i rouse up and get out of bed, and when i help yourself to my bra off at the winding up of the day


Girls or Doctors pleasse help?!?

First of adjectives, pain surrounded by your breasts does not automatically mean that something is wrong, so cart a deep breath and try to relax! I twig how you feel, this happen to me every now and next, and I freaked out when it first happened to me. But of late remember that women's hormone levels are other changing because of the constant stuff that we run through biologically every month. It can be hard on the body, so something is bound to hurt once in a while.

So, it could be several things, I regard. I know from personal experience that breast pain recurrently occurs around the time of a woman's extent, and the type of pain you describe sounds similar to the pain I regularly get around my time of the month. But, it can also be a symptom of pregnancy.

Also: A net site I looked at speculates that it may also be caused by a range of foods and/or various medication.

The medicine and robustness information post by website user , not guarantee correctness , is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical counsel or treatment for any medical conditions.

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