If a womans very immense breasts are getting her down, I there anywhere she can budge for support ?


UTI Trouble?

I wondered that today when I saw this large woman next to the most massive heavy bosoms I hold EVER seen she could just about walk!! I feel really sorry for her as I doubt there is a bra contained by existance that could support them apart from scaffolding!

Am I getting my first period?

To a plastic surgeon to seize them reduced!


Please answer me?

yes. go to a store and look for underwire bras beside large straps. terrifically supportive. lol.

My girl squirts when she comes, whats is it? pee or just hose down?

Sounds like she desires an over shoulder boulder holder.

What would happen if a woman took viagra?

I'm sure you'll be in attendance to offer some assistance!

Period that won't stop!?

I'll lend her a appendage (or 2)

Can my therapist prescribe birth control?



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