Girls or Doctors pleasse minister to?!?

i have have my period for similar to 2 years now so it is still not majority but when i first got it it be during the summer and the cramps were horrible and my flow was really unwieldy then when i go to school it get lighter and i barely have cramps now that its summer again i hold my period and i am experiencing unpardonable, i mean really really doomed to failure cramps and it is heavy again. does the grill have to do beside it or something cause i really want to know whats going on. thank you for any give support to and please no rude comments.

Gurls only?

u are not alone.
i enjoy this for the past 12 years dear. when its hot your body react different to whats going on. the only article i can tell you is skulk. my doctor and my family history relate me the same item. it all stops after the birth of your first child.
i might be wrong and you enjoy a medical condition but from what u said it sounds like that.
fashion sure to go see your doctor and see what they will make clear to you.
my sister had that and after she have her child it went away and she doesn't be aware of it anymore. there is no medical explanation for this. adjectives they tell me is lift meds. painkillers can only do so much.
devout luck

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I promise you its perfectly ordinary. It takes while for a cycle to regulate. I know seriously of people who enjoy had their period for at least 2 and a partially years and they dont have regular cycles. About the cramps, try cranberry liquid and bananas, not together...thats nasty. My sister have bad cramps too and she other feels better after a banana and some cranberry liquid.
Ask your mom for some Midol may aid.

Best of luck,

How fast did you lose your pregnancy counterbalance?

this will be ther for every one and so drink dates syrup which will gross it come regularly

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Sometimes activity level can make a spell heavier. Perhaps your more active contained by the summer than at school when you are sitting in class. I would see a doctor if it is limiting your comings and goings and very rough. They can put you on the pill which will make it lighter and shorter. Plus it's more reliable. I go on it when I was babyish before I be having sex because I have heavy bumpy periods. It made it so much easier.

Your doctor can also contribute you something for pain if requirement be. But I would get checked don't suffer within silence.

What do you think of this?

hey, it might be because ur diary has changed or because ur consumption different, i'm not cmpletely sure, it would be better to ask a doc

I want to become a doctor. What do u have 2 study or be accurate at? What kind should I become?

maybe your more stirring during the school year, walking to classes and everything (depending on how big ur academy is) can be good exersice and you probably arent keeping up near all that walking in summer. you wont get hold of any cramps or bad cramps if your exersicing regularly.

2 months, no extent, not pregnant, no signs of STD.?

Same thing happen to me. It's perfectly run of the mill, for the cramps i would deff get some midol, it really help out a lot. You're youthful, but after about a year your term should be normal.

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