Not sure what's wrong...?
Answers: Try some Gaterade, if you can. This will keep you from have to go to the doctors...hope you can keep it down. I also hope you gain over this soon. Good Luck
Should I move about to the Doctor.?
maybe you eat alot of crap and your stomach is starting to act in can also be sick.have you done anything differently lately.started smoking?drinking?if you cant keep the food within just have soup and also the dash drinks since you seem to be able to hang on to those down and really make an appointment for the doctor.good luck!
very well . . . . you might have a bug/flu
it sound's like that gusto drink that you drunk that you really needed energy
try to see you doctor after a week has passed if it hasn't gone
but i am positive that its a bug or the flu
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hmm hun perchance you are sick.try taking some gravol or an anit-nauseau pill. I think you should visit ur dr as soon as possible to find out for sure. Feel better soon :).Question for OB/GYN AND NURSES?
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