What is a paralabrai cyst.?

yes today i was diagnosed near a paralabrai cyst ,on my right shoulder . what is it ,is it dangerous and where on earth can i find information on it , what web site . or how long does it filch to recover from the surgery.

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sorry to be picky but its actually call a paralabral cyst. none the less here is some info i gather from a couple sites.


Paralabral cysts are also known as ganglion cysts. They are “ALWAYS” associated near an antecedent labral tear. There may or may not be associated signs and symptoms of glenohumeral instability, however. The most adjectives site of occurrence of paralabral cysts is at posterosuperior labrum contained by association with a posterior labral rupture.

A posterior labral tear occur, and synovial fluid from the glenohumeral joint extravasates through the hole. If a ball-valve configuration is present at the site of the tear, fluid may collect outside of the normal anatomic boundaries of the glenohumeral united space. This “cystic” fluid collection is then referred to as a paralabral cyst or ganglion cyst. As the cyst evolves, sea is reabsorbed from the cyst over time, and a residua of thick proteinaceous textile is all explicitly left.

That site might be too complicated for for someone who hasn't gone through med conservatory so ill try to find another site

adjectives the sites i found specifically for paralabral cysts were made by doctors for doctors and not for the broad public to understand. so i search for ganglion cysts, which that website said was like peas in a pod thing and found a great article on webmd.com that should contain adjectives the information you will ever need on it. hope it help and feel better.

Here is the easier to become conscious site that gives better info for you:

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