Razor Burn.?
Oh, that's terrible! I apply an over the counter hydrocortisone cream near aloe (like Lanacort) to damp skin when I do that. It's not a miracle, but it help a lot!
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For God's sake, don't put lotion on it!I want to be BRAtiful when i wear this tentative tube-top!?
Try some baby powder, it will poised down the redness and bumps, I other use baby powder for Razor burn.apply it to the nouns, wait a few minutes and calmly wipe it off, after an hour apply some moisturizer, but not right after you apply the powder because it will sting close to hell..deodorant. i'm not even kidding. a solid works best since they don't look chalky and white similar to a soft solid, and a liquid you shouldn't use at adjectives (burns like hell). this works on legs, underarms, private areas, everything. you can use it tonight and it will comfort a lot, and lately for insurance, use it tomorrow also. if any white shows up, wipe it away with a towel.
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