Suddenly over the last year or 2 I own been have these SYMPTOMS.....What do u think its cause by..?

Birth control? (Tricyclen)...Boyfriend..(figh... (19) ??
Help I feel...
-Spacey and stupid Like I dont follow things anymore
-Not motivated
-cry over everything

I am having a vaginal hysterectomy July 16th. I be wondering if they give you a spinal block?

Hi !

My diagnosis is that you are suffering from a tragic covering of being stuck!

This could be really serious, if one is not taken in consideration, and treated approaching a woman! With respect and understanding!!

The treatment!! Stop taking this pills that are making you sick!
And closing but most important, LOOSE YOUR BOYFRIEND!! He also is making you sick!

Look for your cheerfulness and will find it!! If your not happy and over that meds. are getting you sick, and you have to hold them because the main problem within your life!

You want to STOP! Reconsider what you are going through and recognize that you are throwing your natural life away!

Take control of your life, and you'll se how in a hurry you will feel much better! Depression hurts, every where on earth! STOP!



What causes change in a womans sex drive?

Could be a phase you are going trhough. I am on BC... I hold been going in and out of those symptoms my unbroken life. Try examining your existence to see if you are happy near situations you are in. Maybe you are trapped and don't know how to take action or deal next to it. Could be simple as a job, home, boyfriend... try examining your life span a bit.

good luck to you... :-)

Came up soaring risk for HPV?

I heard that person sexually gratified helps beside depression. Get a vibrator. Also, remember to eat okay and healthy, nippy food can make you spacey. Eat at the proper times. Go lacto-vegetarian if you want your moods stabilized. Even when your eating properly hold multivitamins, it will help you.

My doctor basically put me on celexa, what will it make me discern like, as contained by side effects etc.?

These symptoms you listed could be cause by a host of things. It would help if you give us more details in your examine. See a Dr. asap, so you can get a thorough assesment of your problem.

Should i hold a tummy tuck?

Start taking these Homeopathic remedies to over come the problems you have mentioned above. PULSATILLA 30X three times a year half hour past meals, and AURUM MET 200X only once a day partially an hour before going to bed. Totally Non Addictive, minus any side effects or complications and 100% effective within the symptoms you have mentioned above.

Fell free to email me if you entail to ask or clarify anything. Take Care and God Bless !

Side-Effects of taking Anti-Depressants?

Pls consult a dr about this so that they can check things approaching your thyroid to see if that is playing a role in the symptoms you are have.

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