Menstruation probleam?

i am having probleams i am 28 years and this time that my spell came i surface very dizzy and my stomach feel like it enjoy hole in the middle of my stomach surrounded by side like iam hungry but am not hungry it feel and sometimes i feel approaching vomit it this normal wend you hold your period

Can i take metronidazole during mentruation?

Yes. I have this when I was within High School then it go away for 10 years or so and when I was 26 or 27 started again. I am 30 presently and in the recent past few years PMS and painful period hit me like a ton of bricks. I also go off the pill a few years ago so it may be related. Take OTC painkillers - I found Ibuprofen works for me (make sure you don't enjoy an allergy). Also, if you are feeling anxious or depressed around the time of your period, your pain could be psychosomatic (my doc told me this). Unless it get worse or is seriously disrupting your life, I wouldn't fret in the order of it. If you are seriously worried, see the doc.

Brown vaginal discharge?

no, but it sounds like something else is wrong , nought to do with your length

Question about shaving your covert spot?

The dizziness may actuall come from low iron levels because of your extent, maybe you should start taking vitamins. I would also try to stray away from sweets, conceivably drink milk. Eating light may also backing your stomach. OR it could be from taking too much of any otc medication you may be taking. that can also cause your blood to become strong, which will lead to dizziness. Acetaminophin cause blood thinning. If you're taking any acetaminophin based medication I would quit taking it and try switching to ibuprofen.

Cough/sore throat/stuffed antenna?

ok go to doc. if it's really doomed to failure if it isn't close your eyes
for the stomace rub and relax.
i july they are making a birth contol pill thats stop periods for apt so if i was you i would go and get.
but im a boy they said thet they don't no the price for the pills wet.
hope you obtain better.

Do girls ever get pins and needles on their vaginas?

Some of the girls i know bring back dizzy and feel seasick while they're on their period, infact some even throw up and wobbly. So its pretty normal, but if ur worried that these symptoms may not be the direct effect of menstruation, then catch it checked by a doctor for ur peace of mind.

How many days?

hope this help

Can a woman's vagina swell from sex?

Is it possible that you could be pregnant?

You stipulation to talk to your doctor as soon as possible. The dizziness and nausea are not ordinary problems during the period.

Period im still concerned.?

I guess the big put somebody through the mill is if it is normal for you? Has this happen to you before? If not, after check with your doctor. It could be nought. It could be maybe your body is scarce certain nutrients. Have you be eating resourcefully? Drinking enough hose and dairy products? When you have your extent, you tend to lose nutrients, so make sure you own enough so your body will get something done properly. I notice my body tend to crave certain foods up to that time and during my period. I'll start to crave tomatoes, dairy, esp. milk, and chocolate. I suppose it is your body's way of unfolding you what it needs. Hope this help.

When should i ovulate?

Not at all and converse to your doctor or maybe you are pregnant

What within the heck is WRONG WITH ME??

If i'm reading your symptoms correct, you're pregnant. But to make sure, please pop in your doctor. Now!

I dumped my girlfriend for getting too fat?

It may not really own anything to do with your length it may be stomach ulcers. You could try some over the counter pepcid or Mylanta and see if that help. If it gets worse you necessitate to see a doctor.

Swollen stomach after c-section?

This can be quite usual for some women...I am one that has remarkably heavy, raw periods.
Are you bleeding heavier as powerfully? Then you may just be have a very easier said than done period this month.
Taking some Cramping Medication such as Midol or Pamprin can pocket the edge past its sell-by date some of the pain and discomfort. Also a hot pack on your lower tummy, (and stock up on lots of chocolate, drink lots of fluids). If that be just the valise, you then could shift to the doctor, or your local health department and ask to be put on birth control pills to minister to regulate and control painful indigestible periods. That is what I did, and omg it cut my headache and flow by half.

Should this not be the armour, and none of that helps in the evening, if there is ANY foundation you could be pregnant you should take a pregnancy assessment, just contained by case...Different women own different ways of showing symptoms. Just as a precautionary, especially if something is wrong...

And if your not pregnant, and you can't get rid of aching, you should get checked out by a doctor asap, you could hold some sort of ovarian cyst syndrom such as P.C.O.S. or Endimetryosis. Not something you would want to live with untreated.Very tight.

Either way, payment attention to your body, and take minute to anything you see as out of the ordinary, or any change you can't explain. It could be a number of different things or zilch at all. Better to be protected than sorry.
Web MD website has a plethora of information on adjectives kinds of womens issues that you could check out, and they even enjoy a "sypmtom checker" you type in what the issue is and where on earth, and it will show you a list of possible cause and treatment. That however should just be an artistic tool to arm yourself with the right kindly and insite to ask your doctor the right questions, and become conscious where their answers are comming from.

Good luck to you hun!
Angela ;-)

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