How do i know?

how do i know if i have an ovary cyst? i mingy i am agoing to the doc but.what do you feel resembling? cuz i have pains in my lower rear and stomach on the right and left side! ive be told thats what they could but im not quit sure. what do you think?

Hormone pills?

I muse you have made a smart result by going to your Doctor. Sometimes when I see questions approaching yours, I wonder if you ever stop to think nearly the position that you are putting yourself in. Most of us are not Doctors, and whatever information we may distribute you may do you more harm than moral. Stick with your Doctor and carry to him/her ASAP/

The medicine and condition information post by website user , not guarantee correctness , is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical suggestion or treatment for any medical conditions.

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