Pap smear...HELP?

i am scared to get hold of one and havent yet.. i am 21 and I own the feeilng like i enjoy a disease or something wrong with me.. i am embarassed to travel, please tell me how it is and if they are comforting please

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I've had an annual pap for YEARS, and tolerate me tell you, I dread it every single time.

HOWEVER, afterwards, I other think it wasn't nearly as doomed to failure as I thought it was going to be.

Since you've never gone formerly, here's what you need to know: it truly happens somewhat quickly. The doctor will come contained by and talk next to you a little bit and afterwards leave for you to procure undressed. They'll give you a gown or something to cover up next to, and tell you to give the front open (for the breast exam). When the doctor comes spinal column, he/she will bring a nurse with them to see (so they don't get sued). (I in fact hate the nurse self there because I perceive like they're freshly staring at me, but that's their job.)

The doctor will check your breasts while you lay down (and this is where on earth I start staring at the ceiling and counting ceiling tiles or anything else that keeps my mind somewhat occupied). Then they'll push around on your lower tummy. The doctor will then be in motion to the end of the table and update you they're going to do the pap. (They tend to talk you through it, i.e., "You're going to grain my hand in a minute. I'm going to use the speculum now.") Basically they're surrounded by and out and a matter of second.

Then it's over. After you get dressed the doctor will any come back surrounded by or have you come to their department where you can converse about anything that's bothering you, birth control, etc.

Just step and get it over next to. You'll be proud of yourself afterwards for being an mature about your form.

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of course its not comforting! they're actually pretty akward i have one when i was 16 that be so weird. If you don't mind strange womans fingers in you, afterwards its ok. hah! its really not that bad i would only have to voice its real humiliated laying on a table w/ your stuff out for the doctor to see.

but its good to enjoy them, and it'll be comforting when you get the results if adjectives goes okay.

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You'll be fine.
There are womanly diseases that are totally curable, but can be deadly if diagnosed and treated.just shift.

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I'm 25 and I've have two. Both were snatched and easy. You shift back next to the nurse first and they write down your weight and blood preasure in recent times like at the reg dr. Then you travel and wait for the gyn. At some point, you own to change out of your clothes and into for a moment paper gown. My first one, the dr spoke near me, then not here when I changed, then come back a few minutes subsequent. The second one I had be with a different dr and that time the nurse told me to metamorphose and wait for the dr, who come about 10 minutes following. So wait until they relate you to change, they'll agree to you know. Then the dr will come in and you lay down and she have you put your feet under your own steam rests that make you spread your legs. Then she/he will poke contained by there rather bit, take a taster of stuff. It might hurt a bit and you might bleed, so wear a panty liner. Then they'll do a quick breast exam and check out of so you can change. That's it. They'll appointment you or send you a communication if you have unpromising test results.

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its not so bad, don't ponder that you have a disease (as a man judge so is he,I stay away from medical books, one day after reading the medical book ,I have ,cancer,heart trouble and a lot more I be deathly sick and nothing be wrong with me

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It truly depends on who you dance to. I have be to 3 different doctors and two hurt me and the one I am with presently doesn't. It all depends on their attitude and if they have a chat to you during the process. You should for sure go to a women...two reason, one it's not as uncomfortable as it is next to a man and two the womens hands will smoothly be smaller and it won't hurt. Basically what they do is have you bring off your clothes, put on this robe thingy, lay on this table beside things at the end for your foot. You will be spread eagle and they take this stick approaching thing and put it inside of you and harvest samples for carrying out tests (doesn't hurt, it's really quick) the other thing is put their fingers inside of you and discern around to make sure everything is typical (this hurt me with a man because his fingers be so big) They also (before you spread eagle) check your breast for lumps. It's not bad at adjectives. The exam itself takes almost 5 minutes. If you have be sexually active you NEED TO GO ASAP! Good luck to you.

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When I progress I always imagine about how soon it adjectives will be over with,you really should dance especially if your sexually active.
It's not stomach-ache it's just discomfited.

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If you are sexually helpful you definately need a Pap Smear they are not prickly a little humiliated but nothing that thousands of women enjoy endured. You will also own the peace of mind knowing you don't have any STD's or other diseases, please rota one with your clan dr. or Gyn ask your friends for references, if you cannot afford this contact your local condition department. Do not feel discomfited this is their job.

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18 is when you are supposed to get your first pap smear. You will be ok! I promise I know you feel it embaressing but they are there to do their opportunity. They dont think your grotesque or anything. Your will be better offf if you get one it doesnt filch that long either dutiful luck!!

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When you walk the first time the nurse will take your blood pressure and substance. Then they will ask you if your on any medication or have any allergies? Then the doctor unwell come in an make conversation to you about what he/she does during a pap smear. The doctor answers any question you might have the doctor tell you about themselves close to their how many years they hold been a doctor and what not. Then the doctor sends you final to the exam room and first looks at your breasts to make sure nearby are no lumps. Then the doctor feels your abdomon to see if within is any pain. Then they will finally do the pap smear-take a specimen and swab a bit of fluid in the cervix. They put two fingers in and they grain your abdoman. That is it. The office will distribute you a note or telephone call you for the test results. It oblige if you and the doctor talk give or take a few things like the family circle, sports,marriage,boyfriends that bearing you feel more comfortable through the process.

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It's not that bleak. You've gotta remember, these doctors do this for a living, it's nothing to them. Just try not to regard as about it too much. And most drs. will any chat with you the full time or have their nurse chat near you the whole time to hold on to your mind off it. It go pretty quick. Good luck!

Women Only Please?

The pap smear is done to formulate sure that a woman doesn't have cervical cancer. It is a screening check for cervical cancer and it is done by the dr taking a special brush to go and attain some of the cells from your cervix. They next put it on a slide that gets sent past its sell-by date to the lab for analysis.

They do this test at equal time that a pelvic and bimanual (where the dr uses their hands to perceive the organs to make sure in that are no abnormalities beside shape and size).

Some spotting after a pap smear is normal because of the irritation cause by the brush and only last for about a morning or two. If it lasts longer than that later let the dr know so that they can further evaluate the situation.

The pelvic exam and pap smear should not hurt but if it does it's for one of the following reason:

1. being nervous (it's normal to be a bit on edge because it's the first time but try to relax)

2. the dr is too rough (if they are you can ask them to stop)

3. there is something wrong next to you such as can occur when here is infection going on

A really good dr will explain what they are doing as they do it.

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