I missed my length?

i am a vergin, so im know im not pregnant. i've been workin out really intricate this month, for swim suit season...and i heard that that could sometimes mess it up, but i'm not sure, does anyone know if somthing else could be wrong, because i've also be having some vaginal stomach-ache? what could be wrong?

help please!

Vaginal ask?

Too much working out or losing too much weight rapidly can cause this problem, you requirement to talk to your dr as you can really mess up your body near this if not done right.

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I would see go speak to a doctor .. but i wouldnt worry more or less the misses period.. Most athletes miss period its normal... especially if u work out easier said than done... but the pain i am not to sure nearly that.. umight wanna check it out but i am sure its fine

Period is 3 weeks late not pregnant?

Yes, serious exercise can trademark you miss your period. But if you are have pain, you could hold an infection (yes, even if you are a virgin). Go see a doctor to make sure.

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I once missed my period TWICE and at that time I be a virgin! I figured it be because I willed it away. I be on a 6 week military exercise and did NOT want to get my length during that time. When it was finished, I didn't draw from my period for some time after.
It have something to do with hormones. (As does practically anything woman get) Nothing to verbs about unless you miss it for more than 3 months.
For peace of mind, however, collaborate to your doctor.

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Sometimes intense stress can cause hormonal inequity and this affects the menstrual cycle of a woman. As to vaginal pain, I really don't know what cause it. To be certain, why not see an ob-gynecologist right away, she'd know what is wrong beside you.

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well if you missed your period don't be worried be preparedand one day it will sneak up on you but if you hold vaginal pain you should shift to the docter and get a check up so don't be alarmed

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A missed interval is not to uncommon if you own been working out strong. If you are having discomfort you should see your gyn.

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