Single dad here near 14 y.o. daughter?

My wife passed away 14 months ago. My 14 year old daughter get her period for the first time roughly speaking 12 months ago. She appears to be fairly regular and handling it powerfully. At what age is it normal to pinch her for a gyno visit? I enjoy no other women in my vivacity to go to near this. Thanks for the help.

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I'm 37 so it has be a while since I first started my period. When I started my Mom be going to take me for gyno call round but when she called for the appointment she be told as long as I wasn't sexually active or have any problems this was surplus to requirements. I was 20 when I have my first gyno exam. I would talk to your daughter and consent to her know if she has any question or thinks she may enjoy a problem to come to you and if she feels mortified telling you that you will find someone she can articulate to. A good soul for her to ask question to would be a gyno if she feel uncomfortable conversation to you. If you haven't this is a good time to own a sex talk and permit her know your thoughts on birth control and teen sex.

Was tested not having a babe-in-arms not going through the change so what eles would receive me make mothers milk mamo ok

If she's getting her interval she should have annual visit to the OBGYN. If your wife had one that she visit maybe you could give somebody a lift her there. Interview the OB first to fashion sure he /she has clad bedside manner.

I'm sorry on your loss. I bet your a great dad.


PS...DO NOT WAIT! Women's vigour is important. You don't hold to rush her to the Doctor but an annual exam is important if she's cycling.

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i would nick her as soon as possible, then lately ask the doctor when and any other questions you may hold. nobody better to ask than a female doctor

Lump on boob?

Well if shes handling it very well why take her to a gyno..i ponder shes too young for that..I imagine a more appropriate age is about 16 or 18..Don't verbs about it..its personal instinct..she'll pedal it well!

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It honestly depends...It's pretty much when she is equipped, I think...and BEFORE she starts (I know you loathe to hear it) having sex. I ruminate 14 is too young, but ask her how she feel about it... but, since you are a single dad, going to the gyno may be a obedient idea so she can hold someone to ask questions that God know she wont ask you.
Hope it helps

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At what age is it typical to take her for a gyno call on?

hmm,i didnt go for one,is this something that inhabitants do these days?
i be going to,as long as she has no problems down in that,i mean infection and so on.
sorry i couldnt be of any relieve.maybe you can handset them and ask,if it was nessercery
obedient luck to you and your daughter

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Usually when she is sexually influential, of course she may not let somebody know you this. Suggest that she talk to one of her friends' mooms or an auntie or cousin if she have a prblem or question and purely let her know that you won't be hurt if she doesn't ask you for aid. If she has have her periods for 12 months, probability are she is coping fine. I found that the Being Girl website cleared up any problems I had. Hope this help xXx


Perhaps it would be a good impression to get involved beside a "young woman's association" or one of those "big sister" programs...

It is far-reaching to have a WOMAN item in the upbringing of such a child as you citation. The school-system(public) should have some sort of program that you and YOUR DAUGHTER primarilly, can be a element of.

Girls and Guys Question?

Females don't really entail a gyne unless there is some type of "female" problem. She should draw from yearly check ups beside your family doctor only to be on the safe side.

Girls merely, please?

i'm no pro on issues like this, but i enjoy always hear that a girl doesn't need to dance to a gynocologist until she starts having sex.unless, conspicuously, she finds something abnormal. but i estimate most girls start going to the gynocologist around the age of 19. i think it's not dangerous to say that your daughter is agency too young at this point. in point of fact, i'm 21 and i'm going for my first visit within a week.

I found thick white discharge on the outside of my labia (in the folds), could this be BV or a yeast infection the past she's sexually active.

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She really doesn't have to dance to the gyno until she's 18 or starts having sex.

Breast Feeding?

I would say aloud in 6 months to a year. Let her wish when she's ready.

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I would make an appointment next to your family Dr. and discuss next to him/her. I know that at 14 I would have be devastated to go to a gyno... I would cogitate 15 or 16 would be a more appropriate age as long as there doesn't come across to be any issues with it. You do obligation to have the discussion next to her if you do decide to bring her there, keep hold of communication open. You're doing a great errand and you obviously supervision a lot... keep hold of it up and I wish the best for you.

Help me if you can?

I'm so sorry give or take a few your wife.

Unless she's having a problem or she (I dislike to say it) starts have sex, then she desires to go right away. Otherwise, she doesn't involve to go until she is 18. I hope she is still a virgin at that age.

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I'd say around 16...unless you enjoy not had a agree to her about sex.. and obstaining from it.afterwards I'd find a lady doc and make conversation to her first, if you think she can do the work, and you can't... ( go beside your gut feelings) then inform the doc what you want...the sex talk;;; and lift your daughter in to see her.virtuous a dad ...not just her friend, and you'll be lately fine. I'll keep the 2 of you contained by my prays. Also take her contained by right away if she has really fruitless cramps, heavy bleeding or no spell..

I have a friend who is 13 al,most 14 n she hasnt started her term yet what can i share her for advice?

I'm sorry for your loss. the solitary thing i can detail you is that i'm 18 and i've never been to the gyno, my doctor said i don't requirement a pap until i'm 20. i'd say hold her check herself everyonce in a while for anything out of the standard, and if all is resourcefully she shouldn't have to see one until 18-20.

Working out and pregnancy?

I am sorry in the order of your loss. It sounds like you are a great dad. It's nice to hear that you are concerned going on for your daughter's health.

I started my spell when I was 14, but I didn't budge to the gyno until I was 18. It is considerable to have a check-up at the age of 18 a moment ago to make sure everything is alright. From later on, I have gone every other year. There is no motivation to go once a year until you are sexually active, or if in that seems to be a problem, such as uncharacteristic pain or exceptional periods.

Good luck! :) Keep up the dutiful work

Has anyone been through indistinguishable?

John H, unless if you know for sure that you're Daughter isn't sexually active, within's no need for her to see a Gyn a short time ago yet.
Most infantile Women start seeing a Gyn at the age of sixteen or when they become sexually active.
I'm hoping that she's plain with you adequate so you can know exactly when to take her. Though, if you want to trade name sure that she continues to regulate on time, if she have problems during menstruating and if she has question that you do not feel comfortable answering or do not know the answer to, you can hold her to see a Gyn.
I hope this helps. You're an awesome and benevolent Dad.

Big Bigger Biggest BOOBS?

Well, I can tell you from personal experience here.

I started seeing a gyno when I be 15. I was still a virgin, and I be not planning on having sex any time soon, but my mother thought it be a good opinion to get me into regular visit with a doc. I get my period when I be 12, and my mom didnt see any reason when I be that young to filch me to a doc at that point. Anytime now would be dutiful to take her for her terribly first annual appointment. She needs to run at least once a year to generate sure everything is ok in that area, and my mom made me turn once every 6 months after she found out I was have sex. When I first went to the doc when I be 15, she also recommended I go on the Birth Control pill because beforehand my period every month, my breasts would hurt so much, and the cramps be horrible, so she said it would not happen anymore if I get on the pill, it would not only regulate my time of year, so that I could predict it every month, but it would also make my period lighter and shorter. It helped, so dont be freaked out if your daughter comes out beside a script for birth control. Dont spring to conclusions, it doesnt mean that she is going to hold sex or is already having sex. Girls are tough. I know, I be a pain contained by the when I was a teen. Good luck, and tolerate anyone of us know if there is anything else we can do for you. I, for one, would be more than beaming to help you near anything when it comes to daughters

I've been premonition really exhausted lately, i have no dash for anything. can anyone help me?

I go to my first gyno appointment when i was 14. So any time is obedient. Sorry about your lose

Could this be a result of a "bad" delivery of birth control?

now, and as much as you may dread this you should also consider putting her on some type of birth control. she may nopt be sexually active but lately in crust if she is it will prevent unwanted pregnancies. and the pill also helps fall menstrual cramps.

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