Am i going to hold any trouble?

I have 5 cysts on my right ovary and my doctor told me thatI could any have endometriosis (which he doubts because he say I am too young (19)) or poy cystic syndrome (which I don't contest any of the syptoms except the cyst. I ma not over weight, enjoy never had acne. I own had sever to moderate torment in my lower abdomenal nouns and hrorible cramps during my period. I also hold had migraines and really odd cycles. ( every 3 motnhs and 10 days at a time and very heavy) I have be on birth control for that. My question is Will it be difficult for me to enjoy children if I have any one of these? And do you know anyone with these symptons, if so what is wrong near them? Personally I don't think I am too youthful to have endometerosis.

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You're right about not human being too young for endometriosis. It can start as rash as your first period, it doesn't know any age limitations.

Ovarian cysts are very adjectives. Most women have them and never even know it. They develop and dissolve in need any complications. Occasionally the cysts will cause complications, maybe even rupture, and require medical attention.

The pain you're experiencing may be coming from the cysts, the endometriosis, or something else completely.

It sounds to me close to you're very resourcefully informed about your condition and the possible diagnoses. It also sounds close to your doctor may not take you seriously, any because of your age or because he believes he knows better. Either means of access, it's not a good combination.

Continue near your research and tracking your symptoms. Find an endometriosis support group in your area and get hold of referrals from the women within for a new doctor. Your doctor should be inclined to listen to you, take your opinion into consideration and involve you in your own care.

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I have endometerosis and have NO trouble getting pregnant. Actually, they say that have a baby is one of the ways to cure endometerosis (worked for me). Technically, it can product it more difficult for you to get pregnant, if you hold endometerosis, but if you get it treated and stay resting on it you shouldn't have too oodles problems.

I can only speak from personal experience, so I don't know give or take a few the cyst, but if you are under a doctor's aid, I wouldn't worry too much just about it. I was diagnosed beside endometerosis when I was 15, and 11 years after that I got pregnant 2 weeks after I stopped taking birth control. Therefore, while you are babyish, you are not too young to hold endometerosis. I do have a friend who have severe endometerosis and several cysts; she was competent to have one child beside little trouble conceiving, but later she did enjoy to get a hysterectomy because she kept getting cysts.

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Most women will get cysts on her ovaries sometime in her duration. they come and go. Sometimes they incentive a lot of headache, like you are experiencing near your period. They won't enjoy any affect on you getting pregnant.
Endometiosis can cause you to not seize pregnant but only contained by extreme cases.

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