What type of doctor should I travel to if I think I hold ovarian cysts?

I'm 18 and I've never been to a Gynocologist, and wasn't sure if I should step to one, or another doctor 1st.

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You should definitely see an OB/GYN. At the GYN you will hold a physical and a pap smear. This isn't as bad as most reason - just relax and don't on edge up. It will be ok.

If you think you own ovarian cysts, at the visit you should mention your symptoms to you GYN. They will be capable of diagnose you at this visit while doing a pap smear and optical inspection. Also, you will be asked to go for blood work for hormone level and maybe even be asked to jump for an ultrasound for the correct diagnosis. Don't be afraid.

Good Luck!

Is it a chance you can carry pregnant if her period comes?

Yes. You walk directly to the gynecologist. It's time for you to see one anyway.

Hair preference?

Go straight to gyno. This is the personality to see for ALL down there concerns.

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I have a misscarige 6 years ago i dident see a doctor can i still have children and will my tubes be clear?

you would run to a gynocologist but you may have to jump to your family doctor or doesn`t matter what doctor you noromally visit so they can refer you. thats what i have to do. hope this helps! byebye!

WOMEN ONLY please answer this ask?

Go to the gyno first. He/she has the technology that you requirement to find that information out

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a gynocologist. Just to get u feel for a while better its not as bad as ancestors make it out to be but if u are have sex then u involve to start to see one.

My friend does the nastist thing, this is really unwholesome rite? please read?

Hi Amy,
No, you're on the right track that is their corral of expertise he's
the one that can help you. And since you're in attendance anyway, may I suggest if you haven't had a pap-smear to grasp it done by a professional, opposed to your Dr., it's lately a thought, but a wise one. He/She may want one done anyway. Amy, while you are nearby could you please mention Endometriosis? As that is where on earth my problems & symptoms started at your age and wonder if they are cysts or fibroids. It has to matter with the fibroids on the bin liner of uterus, just a thought?
Keep Well,
Diana D

Antibiotics and birth control pills?

Talk to your family unit doctor first about wanting to transport care of your sexual/reproductive form. Every woman should be responsible for their health and powerfully being, regardless of man sexually active or not and whether you enjoy a particular concern. Your relatives doctor then will refer you to a gynecologist, although she may be the one to bequeath you the regular pap smear tests. You should be getting them done presently at your age. If your family doctor is masculine and you don't feel comfortable near it then you can other ask to be referred to a female doctor if you aspiration. But back to your concern. If you surface that if may have cysts, you should make conversation to your family doctor first anyways so that not lone s/he can refer you to someone but they might do a quick pelvic exam to have a feeling your ovaries. They then might dispatch you for an ultrasound exam. And if there is any concern you after might see a specialist/OB-GYN. Or your doctor might simply send you to see someone right away. Regardless, own a good relationship beside your doctor and your health. You should never grain confused or uncomfortable roughly speaking it. Good Luck.

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