All information on Yasmin please?

I have be given Yasmin from my doctor, i have freshly started takeing them last week.

Can you enlighten me all roughly speaking it, i have hear all kind about how you can loose 10lbs and how it have no side affects.

Has any girls taken this pill, if so please let me know how it have affected you?

HELP! my vagina nouns gets a unpromising odour very with alacrity. i hate it! how can i facilitate it get better?

I be on Yasmin; it was the final hormonal birth control method I used because essentially it be the straw that broke the camels back – one of the side effects unnamed with this pill is that it can trigger stale IBS.

I had IBS-D for months, which be painful and mostly not very nice, because it wasn't one of the mentioned side effects the doctors did not believe to take me bad the pill, it was just through my own research I discovered Yasmin to be the cause of the problem.

Of course it have side effects just matching as any other hormonal birth control method or pill, it effects your whole body and side effects can oscillate greatly from person to character, of course as next to any other hormonal method it also suppresses the menstrual cycle that can have a mixture of effects in and of itself.

FIrst time nuvaring user!! I enjoy 2 questions!?

Its a great pill. but i never lost any immensity with it. it did however relief with my acne and regulate my monthly length.

Yeast infection?

I have done a poke about on Yasmin it says it give a feel accurate factor.So you should be feeling fit & organized to go.

I'm a virgin in 21. is the first time the worse dull pain of many?

Hi - watch out - I was on this pill for a minute and gave me an awful upset tummy!

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