What are/why do girls attain cramps?


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Women obtain cramps during their monthly cycles because the ovaries swell, and press against the other internal organs and the 'cramping' is actually the ovaries hurting because they're CRAMPED up. This is why antiinflamitory medication like Ibprophen backing alieviate menstrual cramps.

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Your probably talking around a girl having her length they give you cramps something shocking!

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Cramps are sharp pains in the tummy during the monthly flow of the woman.This is caused by the contraction of the muscle of the uterus within the duration of the menstrual flow,which leads to great discomforts,sharp pains from one side of the belly to another.
There are little remedies such as,eating plenty of fruits,fiberous meal,vitamin B, over the counter tablets for period pains,herbal drinks and tea,hot hose bottle placed on the stomach while tucked up in bed and may be simply seeing the doctor to be sure it is not serious.

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