My vagina smells HORRID when I masturbate! I can't stand the odor. What is wrong, can I prevent this?

So pretty much, as the question say, my vagina stinks, REALLY BAD, this only happen when I masturbate. I masturbate on a reqular basis, should I curtail how often I mastubate or is the problem something else?

I in recent times started my period nad i step to camp beside my class in 2 days what do I do?

Did you roll with laughter when you typed this? I shall call you "ROTTEN CROTCH".

Help my sister?

You have need of to see a doctor because that is not middle-of-the-road and could be a sign of infection.

Help please?

go to a doctor. get tested for std and yeast infection.

How can it be agreed that a woman/girl is virgin or not.?

LOL. Ok..this is not funny...but i'm sorry...yes it is. I am just amazed next to your honesty! And I truly apologize for the apparent."funk" you are within :) SORRY, couldn't resist.

At any rate. Do you often own sex? The only item I can think of is that you lately need to thoroughly cleanse your insides and stipulation to purchase some douches (simple vinegar and fancy scent that cause more infections). If you own sex, and don't smell anything, that is out of the ordinary. The smell is the fluids coming from your body and "usually" the same fluids come out when you enjoy intercourse. If you are not regularly having sex, that is to say probably why you aren't use to smelling it. Ok, I can't believe I am answering this. But I commend you for sharing your problems with's commendable. Just try to thoroughly cleanse. You may hold something caught up in that that you need to valet out.

Good luck! if you are not having sex regularly, it is comparatively possible that you always smell approaching that. you just bring out the fluids when u masterbate. i detest to sound crass...but do you masterbate next to objects? maybe you own caught something up there...or hold a reaction to some substance on one of your "thingys" :-/ the body is extraordinarily sensitive. usually it tells you when something is wrong (by smell, or discoloration or discomfort). if you hold only be noticing this for a moment (i.e., not most of your life)...i would do everything possible to cleanse my body (douche, laxative, cranberry juice, TONS OF WATER, everything!) most predictable, your body is simply housing something causing the odor. If it persist for more than a couple of weeks, see a doctor.

A week after my period and I am still spotting?

its better for u to see ur doctor...caz its not mundane sign....may be some infection is there...

Can someone relay me if i use the vaginal contraceptive film call the vcf get me pregnant if my husband dosen


Why do you hold to take birth control pills?

You should see your doctor because you could enjoy an infection. Don't use douches because they can strip you vagina of stuff that needs to be nearby and could cause infection. You should also other wash yourself and doesn`t matter what you use to masturbate with thoroughly after you are done if you don't that could raison d`??tre infection that could be the reason for the smell.

Girls solely, i have a cross-examine, can you help me?


I own a cyst on my breast and it hurts! My question is.?

I don't know if the smell is a moment ago your natural scent, or something worse, but if you're medically fine, you'll lately have to business with it.

My direction: take a tub after you masturbate. Just showering and soaping up down there won't cut it; when you're contained by a bath, everything is immersed and for some rationale, the water sort of sucks adjectives your lubrication and everything out so you're nice and clean, and sweet-smelling.

I distinctly wouldn't cut down on masturbation; it's a fun thing that I assume you delight in. Just try to find ways to work around the smell.

Good luck.

What is t..?

see a doctor
- let them see you vagina they'll back you

Why is a prescription necessary for the birth control shot?

When we perspire, in attendance are 3 parts on our body that the deads cells come out together beside the sweat. These areas are the two armpits and the vagina area. Personal hygience is very crucial, especially on these areas, as bacteria can multiply terrifically quickly if these areas are wet. If cleaning up and keeping these areas dry was done regularly, the microbes enters the sweat glands and reside at hand. If medication cannot remove the body odour, minor surgery has to be done to remove the sweat glands. There are abundant ladies stink when they menstruate and they usually suppress the smell by rubbing medical oil.

I judge you should see a doctor for your problem. Subsequently, you have to clear up your hands up to that time touching your vagina. The few answers given are good and you should adopt them for keeping your subdivision clean. Clean up after masturbation.

More importantly for ladies, use correct sanitary napkins during menstruation. This is to prevent unnecessary infection. You can go to , select English on the top right, click Product List and panorama the Product Demo. But the demo is in Chinese. Anyway, you should be capable of gather some info from here. There is a disinfecting and sterilizing layer surrounded by the napkin which helps to get rid of odour. Remember, always maintain the vagina area dry.

If you hold any further queries, email me at [email protected].

Girls: what do you do to poop softer?

beat ur self next to a stick to drive out the evil spirits and then set ur vagina smouldering to make sure they never come fund. Then u need to fart on your foot and smell it. that should fix it.
Your welcome

Period will grounds bulky uterus? Isn't common to hold bulky uterus if there isn't any twinge?

First off don't DOUCHE. This is the worst entry a woman can do to herself. Douching not only pushing microbes up into the uterus but it can cause injuries. It alters the PH of the vagina and can wipe out good germs off and this will mete out an increase of bad microbes. If by chance in that were an infection it would distribute it straight into the uterus. Never ever douche unless it is ordered by a physician. After 18 years of nursing I have NEVER see a physician order a douche.
Usually odors are cause by one of two things. Bacteria or infection, either means of access this is not normal and you should be see by a physician. Take care I hope this have helped you.

Birth Control- Tri Sprintec?

put a box of baking soda in in attendance

Month late beside my period, but haven't have sex! What could this Mean?

i had a smell problem one time and did everything below the sun to get rid of it even douches finally i go to the doctor she told me i had no infections what so ever but sometimes you can hold a chemical in symmetry that can cause odor she give me some antibiotics And walla clean and clear of smell

Can anyone transmit me what this is?

wow thanks for the alarm....i dout a doctor would want to check that out for you ,maybe beside gas mask ,i wish i had a true answer for you..this is special but im a lost for words....goodluck because i think you are going to requirement it...much more of that smell and i'm going gay

Is it common to own irregular periods for this long?

After I have my 1st daughter, I used tampons again. I didn't know the Dr didn't sew me up tight enough. Anyway, one get lost up in in that for about 2 weeks. I be playing in a tree hanging upside down and consequently I felt something. It finally be coming out. Gross I know, but do you have something stuck up in attendance? Even just some cotton from a tampon? If so this is drastically dangerous. I would see the Gyno or Dr just about it. You could get something cruel called Toximia or something close to that. Check it. I do know one thing, the smel do business is not good. It's a sign of something fruitless.

Can stress make your stomach swell?

Could be an infection, and even if you don't own sex often if you own it unprotected you could have an STD thats why you should other use a condom. It also could be from a lube that your using, its hard to vote, but its definately not normal, see your doctor and they can relate you whats going on, and hopefully prescribe you something.

Period problems!?!?!(help)?

It sounds like you enjoy a yeast infection. Yeast infections can be very self-conscious, but are usually not serious. Symptoms include the following:

Itching and burning in the vagina and around the vulva (the skin that surrounds your vagina)
A white vaginal discharge that may smell bad and look close to cottage cheese

Maybe the reason why you are sensing the horrible smell is that when you masturbate, you leak a discharge.
Yeast infections are so common that 3/4 of women will enjoy one at some time in their lives. Half of adjectives women have more than one infection in their lives. If you enjoy symptoms of a yeast infection, your doctor will probably want to talk to you around your symptoms and examine you to make sure a yeast infection is the rationale.
Don't worry-The treatments are not very unpleasasnt-Yeast infections are usually treated beside medicine that you put into your vagina. This medication may be a cream that you insert in your vagina with a special applicator, or it may be a suppository that you put into your vagina and allow to dissolve on its own. Medicine in a pill form that you lug by mouth is also available.
I hope you find a solution.But go and see your doctor purely to be sure.

I can't find the hole to where i am supposed to put the tampon. What do i do?!?

U don't hold 2 have sex reguraly 2 enjoy a std.That's not normal.U 4real obligation 2 get contained by quicke.Guys like 2 survey women mastubate.So,what's going 2 happen when a guy wishes u 2?*

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