Depo Provera.?

I am 15 years old and my mom took me to return with the depo shot today. I didnt know anything about it. The Dr. told me the side effects but that they aren't adjectives. I was researching it on and here are more than enough horror stories nearly it to make me regret getting the shot.
can someone a short time ago tell me the facts in the order of weight gain, depression, dryness(during sexual activity),sexual appetite, and adjectives the other side effects of it.

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For some folks, Depo Provera works wonderfully. For me, however, I gained thirty pounds right sour the bat (which I lost after the shot had worn off) and I become almost arthritic. I could not get out of bed surrounded by the mornings, I hurt so badly. I don't know if this be part of the depo shot, but I believe I have a bad spontaneous effect because I could not attribute my sudden onset of symptoms to anything else. Once the depo have worn off, I be better. I also bled like a stuck hog for three months straight. Like I said, some general public love it. I had a horrible experience next to it. I got the IUD after that and never have a problem again.
Hope this helps.

Is too discharge much unpromising?

I would show your mom the stories you read online, and you could show her the reviews of depo on the link contained by my source.

I was on depo for four years and I would never EVER recommend someone your age to move about on depo.

I gained a LOT of solidity as well as have horrible mood swings. I also spotted at odd times. Had no libido any.

I would consult with your doctor or procure a second opinion on the depo shot.

I am on Kariva (pill) in a minute. No weight gain, no mood swings, my libido is vertebrae. Won't go on depo anymore.

Why would she thieve that?

I can only inform you about my experience next to it. I was using it for roughly 4 years. I loved the convenience of not having to verbs about birth control and one and only having to take a shot every 3 months. I also have illustrious blood pressure, and the depo is perfectly undisruptive for someone with that condition.
Side effects:
- I own osteoporosis in my family unit, so I stopped taking it when I discovered that it can lead to bone loss
- I didn't own any weight gain associated next to it.
- I experienced moodiness and irritability which stopped after the depo got out of my system
- Depo did significantly grow less sexual desire and responsiveness
- the worst symptom I experienced was severe insomnia which resolved itself once my body get rid of the depo.
You need to evaluate the pros and cons and parley with your doctor to see if this is the best birth control for you.

For the girls?

i can distribute u a whole lot of VERY IMPORTANT INFO IF YOU EMAIL ME MY NAME IS ISIS GIRL. trust me its worth it

Can you hold a miscarriage at 5 months?

Get off presently! Yes, the weight gain is a problem, I gain 40lbs very immediately (after 2 shots). By the time I was on my third shot, the benefits be out weighed the consequences. (pun intended) With any birth-control their are risks for down loss, it was until subsequent that I discovered everyone I knew who used depo have significant hair loss, including myself. None of us put the two together. Their are other long continuing problems too... reconsider and hurriedly!

Time period for pregnancy..?

I'm sorry to hear that you be forced to get that shot. I have only one shot and I regret it.

My symptoms - cargo gain, acne (I'm 26 years old!), insufficiency of desire for sex, dryness, no periods, moody surrounded by the beginning, moody after coming stale of it. It's been 26 weeks since I have my shot, and I still haven't gotten my period vertebrae.

I know you're not planning on kids right now, but it could mess up your ovaries in the long run.
Here is a site where you can read up on it.

Drink lots of marine, exercise and eat fresh fruits and vegetables to get this out of your system!

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