Anyone can support?

My lower back have been tender and so is my breasts! They feel bigger.
Sometimes... I achieve nauseated and dizzy! 1 night i be burning up and felt sick!

Tests showed unenthusiastic after 7 weeks! and I didn't really have sex.

What am I to do? The doc said it be nothing to verbs about. and the lumps on my breasts are benign. But both hurts and the lumps are with the sole purpose in the moved out.


What is the condition that makes pregnant women crave dirt? Symptoms?

Geta second evaluation and possibly a third

if you are sure you are not pregnant then you call for to find out what the problem is.


Fibroadenomas are non-malignant (benign) lumps that feel smooth, and round. They can change from very small to comparatively large (5cm). Fibroadenomas are usually distinct on a mammogram and ultrasound. Most believe that they grow over a 12 month interval and then remain stable. They are most adjectives in women surrounded by their teens and early 20's but can crop up at any age - although they usually don't occur much after menopause (hormone psychoanalysis tricks your body into believing it is premenopausal). Fibroadenomas have even be found in women within their 60's and 70's. If the size is stable and the fibroadenoma is not bothering the woman - there may be no explanation to remove it. Fibroadenomas do not increase the risk for breast cancer but it is important to be persuaded that they are, in certainty fibroadenomas. The frequency for examination will depend upon the expert feelings of your doctor, based on your situation. If you are concerned, you could receive a second opinion from a breast specialist - if for no other basis than your peace of mind.

Breast tenderness contained by the second half of the menstrual cycle is fluctuating and can be more severe in isolated cycles lacking good explanation. Pregnancy is a adjectives reason for increased breast fullness, and in some women, especially those who own been pregnant earlier, this symptom can appear before the missed menstrual spell.
Although scientific studies hold been inept to prove an association between caffeine and breast fullness, many women are convinced near is a connection. Equally, anything that cause fluid retention (allergy; low thyroid function; rheumatoid diseases) can be associated with exaggerated breast fullness within the luteal phase.

This information is provided for education purpsoes just and is not a medical consultation. If you have specific question, please contact your physician.

the site below is q&a doctors answer forum. put your key word concerns within the search glass (ie swollen breasts)

and find some answers.

however, a real doctor (second/third)opinion will put your mind at glibness.

What's the meaning of **?

well im not sure if the lumps r typical i only attain lumps in one when my spell is due though i would think you should walk to a differnt doctor and see.

Why do men keep peeping here section?

It seem like that you are experiencing symptoms of pregnancy, but you said that the assessment was unenthusiastic. You better ask 2nd opinion from another doctor.

I've be on LoEstrin24 for 2 months now.did you enjoy these side effects?

Don't worry!! If your doc say aloud you must bilieve but if there's a doubt shift to another doctor!!
The important is that you enjoy health!!

A hug!

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