Reason for Itchy Breasts? Let down reflex? Premenopausal?

I am in my early 40's and enjoy been experiencing itchy breasts and almost a "agree to down" reflex feeling? I hold no dry skin or any allergy to laundry products or materials.
Is this common as a pre-menopausal symptom?
Thanks for any assistance.

Girls, i need some help out i get blade burn when i shave my bikini line, EVERY TIME i shave.?

I do not contemplate itchy breasts have anything to do near pri-menopause, its usually dry skin that causes the itching (anywhere) so I don`t know try putting some mild cream for awhile and see if it helps. Feeling "permit down" could be from problems at work, at home or hormonal changes. Its difficult to assess anything over the internet. I would suggest you walk to your doctor and ask for a hormonal check up (blood tests) to see if you are pri-menopausal at all or not on the other hand.

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