Pain in lower Adomen?

okay, so for a while now, ive have pain within my lower adomen, on my right side, i dont think it could be my appendix, i win them all the time for years, ive be to the hospital 3 times for this and they keep describing me its nothing and that its probably because im ovulating, but the dull pain isnt at the time of ovulation, yes i get pains b4 my spell but they are different pains, these are very sharp severe pains, i dont construe them, they scare me so much and here isnt anything i can do about it cuz the doctors wont adjectives there research into what could be causeing my headache :(

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it may be ovulation, but i would guess that it is an ovarian cyst. they can be very mortified, and when they pop, the extra fluid in your belly can end in even more pain. i wonder, did they do an ulrasound on your tummy to look at your anatomy? if so, they would have see the fluid. if not, i would dance see my gynecologist and request an ultrasound the next time you enjoy pain. i know you loathe to bug them, but the docs i work with enunciate that if a patient is harsh, they pretty much do every testing they can to only just get the problem fixed. until they amount out whats up, take some ibuprofen. it is an anti-inflammatory and should give support to a little. suitable luck.

Little white bumps?

maybe a goul stone...!

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pain in lower adomen can be also due to heaty body. drink at least possible 6 glass of wet. My mum taught me to rub gingelly grease on my tummy to cool of the heat. It works.
Maybe you can try anything you judge can cool off your heatness and also avoid taking food which are heaty to body.
But to be in the nontoxic side go for a fully body check up. Go for second or third belief..

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Hey~I get these same sharp and completely intense pain surrounded by my lower abdomen but toward the lower disappeared side. I had be checking for a while and it finally turned out to be problems with my bowel movements.

It so happen that I get immensely constipated in occasion and the sharp pain is quantity of that; I even get it when I've become regular.

However, you should see a gastrointestinal. Have an endoscopy or a colonoscopy to be paid sure you don't have anything in your digestive/intestinal system.

On the other appendage, you may have an ovarian cyst for which you should carry a sonogram or an x-ray. Go see your gynecologist, so he/she can orient you better.

Please make sure that you explore adjectives of your possibilities because when you have a torment like that your body is trying to relate you something. Take care...


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