Foods to stay away from?

I've been trying to attain my body in shape for times past 3 weeks and I haven't been getting any results. I be reading something that said excersize itself will not give you the body you want - but excersize and a suspended diet will.
What foods should I stay away from that contribute to butt and thigh fat?

Is this fruitless for you?

Definitely stay away from ALL processed foods (hot dogs, microwaved dinners, instant meals contained by the can or box).
Definitely stay away from ALL junk foods (chips, donuts, rime cream, candy, etc.) Definitely stay away from fried and high lubricant foods.

Do drink plenty of water (8, 8 ounce eyeglasses per day).
Eat high fiber veggies.
Eat more berries.
Eat 1 slice of bread instead of two for a sandwich.
Drink white or green tea to give a hand boost your metabolism.
Eat at least 6 times per daylight.
Eat smaller, balanced meal.
Eat healthy snacks (raw fruit & veggies, healthfood store snacks).
Substitute red meat and pork beside fish and vegetarian meat substitutions.

And finally,
Think positive thoughts and envisage yourself in the shape you want to be within!

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well you really want to stay away from sweets and greasy things resembling fries and etc. don't go on one of those crazy diets though my friend did and it be sad

Whats wrong next to my stomach? hard to explain but?

Absolutely stay away from any sort of fried (fast food). Even the "healthy" things on the menu aren't other so great. Also, reduse your salt may be sea weight. Stay away from condiments and alcohol (unless it is a Bacardi diet)...hand down. They are both incredibly fattening. Good luck with your conquest!

I hold been sexualy involved for 4 months n my vagina is already lusd up, is it normal n any comfort to tighten it?

I've been reading a book the glucose revolution. to sum it up, when ingestion simple carbs that are quickly held like rice and potatoes/french fries, it is recommended that if you DO own to eat these foods aim your quantity and give a complex carb like carrot, pumpkin, green beans etc., to slow the absorption rate down.
rice/gravy : give green beans
rice is absorb at a faster rate than sugar.

What shoe size?

You want to avoid foods beside high calories and little nutritional plus. Avoid fat and sugar, and bound starches and sodium.

Favor food that is minimally processed and as close to it's intuitive state as possible. Favor lean proteins like beans, fish and poultry (broiled or grilled), low margarine dairy for calcium, and raw, grilled or steamed veggies and fruits. When consumption starches, make sure they are WHOLE grain to get fiber which help you feel full and aids digestion.

Get LOTS of fluids. Minimize caffeinated, alcoholic and sugary beverages.


fats, oil, sweets, & carbs.


idk but i just hear recently on the communication the glycemic index rage is adjectives hoaky:

i still hear eat smaller number calories:

i just hear also : lifting weight instead of cardio or at lowest possible a 75% weight 25% cardio is better: and will assist you with the butt and thighs:

obviously i would always enunciate eat your fruit and vegies first: consequently if you have calories to spare get through some junk.

I newly don't have time or a route to count calories all daytime. Wish they made a watch you could type your food within and add calories adjectives day...i'm to workshy to carry around a notebook...

i hear spinning class is excellent for the butt and thigh too :)

i'm no expert! Hope you procure a good answer on here from one! I'm interested to see the answers too!

I haven't gotten my 1st extent. When should i get it?

To slim down a combination of methods can be used. First, restrict calories to the appropriate amount base on recommended intake for height and freight. A balanced diet is knob to ensure proper nutrients are taken in when restricting calories. Foods that are elevated in grease content should be restricted and trans fats should be omitted completely. Simple sugar and alcohol also should be restricted because these turn into large easily.

By switching to diet soda from regular and intake reduced fat foods should and moderation of illustrious calorie foods would be an excellent start to a diet.

It is important to keep hold of in mind that corpulent weighs smaller amount than muscle. If you are weight lifting and exercising you could lose rotund and gain muscle which might appear to be as if you are not losing weight when on the scramble.

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