Is there a doctor surrounded by the house...?

i'm writting a short-story about a young-woman who have a brain tumor, and i need to know what type of test are done, what type there are, treatments, the number of ppl who usually die from them, etc. if you could give support to me, that would be greeeeeeeeeeeat. you can IM me. even thought my profiles says i'm offline, i'm really online. lately IM me, plz no buzzes.

6days !! PMS !! Going Nuts!?

She would have an MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) And CT scan. Sometimes x-rays can be taken to see if there are any tumours surrounded by the bone mass. Sometimes they treat with surgery but if the tumour is contained by a tricky place then they might want to try and shrink it next to chemotherapy first and then operate as a final resort.
Good luck with the story.

If you want any more abet then e-mail me

How can I trademark my period amount LESS?

a cat scan would be done

Bra problems!?

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