I own had my interval for about a 1 year and enjoy always have extreme cramps and vomiting?


What do i eat to go and get bigger boobs?

You need to confer to your mom and your doctor. You said you've had it almost a year, so I'm assuming you're about 13 or 14? In broad you're too young to start birth control, but converse to them and maybe your doctor can prescribe you something to give somebody a lift when you get your term to lessen the effects of it and then once you find older impart you some birth control to help regulate it and kind it easier to go through. Best of luck.

What cause cramping in chest area?

GREETINGS, I have a feeling bad for you, I used to enjoy that too along with a headache and backache and filling bleeding. You can try some of the products like Midol or turn to the dr and get something approaching Premarin or be put on the pill, they do help.

Could it be?

I also have extreme cramps (but no vomiting) for the first 3 years of my period. I know, it's horrible.
Talk to your mom. It's possible she also have horrible symptoms. If she okays it, turn to the gyno and ask about what compassionate of birth control could help you and your symptoms.

If that's not viable, grab extra strenght midol and run it easy.

How am I suppossed to walk to the bathroom and change my tampon short anyone noticing?

~~*~~ Hello. It is possible that you suffer from PMDD. The symptoms are not merely emotional but physical as powerfully. Get a Dr appointment and track your symptoms. If birth control is needed, there is zilch to be embarrassed over. If you hold a headache you take a backache reliever and this is no different. Check out this website. You can track your symptoms and learn more more or less hormonal imbalances and what cause them. Just make sure you have a word to a Dr. This is not normal. I hope this is supportive! Best wishes!

Period pains?

I know how that goes. I get my first period when I be 9 and I was sick and vomiting and cramping for a week earlier it came. You may enjoy cysts on your ovaries or endometriosis which can both be extremely painful. Talk to your mom and your doctor, they can do an ultrasound to check for cysts. The piece that really helped me is a birth control call Seasonale. You get your spell once every 3 months and it's generally a great deal lighter and less rough. The first 3 months you're on it you may bleed randomly but after your body adjust to it it's fabulous. Good luck!

Sudden discomfort during ovulation?

Two words- THE PILL.
I had impossible to tell apart symptoms as you and my doctor put me on the pill.
I have no cramps and I don't consistency sick at all during my time and sometimes I can skip it, which is totally safe.
Good luck

Help! Is it possible to suspension your period or fashion it come earlier?

Birth control pills are supposed to be really honest for helping lessen cramps. You may also want to consult your doctor because you could have a condition call endometriosis, which can be helped by birth control pills, but it's best to know if something is wrong and if it even should be treated beside bcp.

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