Anyone out there near hypothyroidism?

I am just so confused sometimes beside being overweight i am such a picky eater i cant eat stuff to be exact good for me lead to i really dont like anything specifically good for you and i be just courious in the region of anyone ever have problems beside pregnancy and hypothyroidism im not pregnant but would like to know any opions on to be exact there anyone who be put on bc pills to help next to periods and not knowing almost ovulation im just sitting in the see i would love to have a babe-in-arms with my bf andy but im surrounded by the dark roughly everything HELP

What should i do?

They gave you BC raison d`??tre you aren't ovulating normally because of the hypothyroidism. You involve to ovulate to get prego ;0) Go to your doc and report to him you want to try and conceive. It is a long process! We have be trying for over a year! (I have hypothyroidism, and polycysitic ovaries). Ask them almost your ovaries. Usually hypothyroidism and cyst go appendage in foot. You get the cyst because you don't ovulate. Don't tolerate them feed you the crap more or less being overweight... even big girls enjoy babies too! There are pills you can take (that ARE NOT bc) to take home you have a extent, and there are pills you can embezzle to make you more fertile. Good luck girl!

Where the heck did my spell go?

no never hear of it

My urine is foamy. What does that mean?

I be diagnosed with hypothyroidism, and I've be on medication (Synthroid) for it for almost three years now. It's a controllable ailment, and the medication you transport won't interfere with a pregnancy. It's something the docs will hold on to an eye on, I'm sure, though. I'm a bit confused with your BC cross-examine, though. You don't treat hypothyroidism with BC, though hypothyroidism can factor into an unpredictable length. Birth control works by stopping ovulation - so when you take the pill as prescribed, your body doesn't release an egg. First, I would see a doctor roughly getting your thyroid under control, and later talk nearly birth control.

Why do you stop having a extent while you are on birth control?


I think these information will minister to you:

Hypothyroidism And Pregnancy ->

Hypothyroidism and weight loss ->

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