Okay, no body crow...?

I'm 5 foot 9, and I weigh 240. I know ur going GOD, she's a fatty! BUT, everyone says that I look close to 170... that's even what my doctor said when he weighted me.. He said that I was solid, but I didn't look like it... I want to really loose immensity, before I shift to college, and REALLY be that 170 that everyone says that I look resembling. They say I convey weight polite cause I'm soaring... and I'm not really "chunky" where my cooking oil shows... I looks completely normal.. and towering. But does anyone know of any good ways for me to loose cargo FAST FAST FAST! so I can start looking good? Thanks!

Girls and Ladies solely! Period Question!?

Any diet that works super fast isn't going to work out long residence.

I lost 35lbs in more or less 4 months by joining a gym and doing Weight Watchers. I am not into meetings or anything so I bought the stuff on Ebay. Between that and websites I manage to lose everything I wanted to.

I capture these blood and puss filled pimply things on outside of my vagina. iam really panicky. what could it be?

eat low cal and EXCERCISE!

After i finish my period, i procure this filmy white stuff, almost like a white gooey time?

start running and exercising
swimming and weight lifting help too
weigh yourself everyday
i know that sounds weird but it have been proven that ethnic group who weigh themselves everyday are more aware of their weight after anyone else
oh and dont stop eating
drink a lot of wet

The Period??

No way i.e. not that much weight. I hope it is you that wishes to lose weight anf not for someone else... Try yoga and walking a mile a hours of daylight. I'm a vegetarian so I am gonna vote meat is bad for you and slows your metabolism. There is in actuality that proves that, though.


avoid simple carbs - no sugar, no baked goods, no bread, pasta, no diet products (they engender you hungry) - eat tons of veggies and fruits, which are complex carbs.. chomp through good fat, such as almonds, walnuts. eat seed, and protien... it is simple carbs that store as fat..

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome?

Try the Natural Cures for chubbiness, it is described in detail.

Obesity may be described as a bodily condition characterised by excessive deposition or storage of curvy in adipose tissue. It usually results from consumption of food contained by excess of physiological needs. Obesity is adjectives among people within Western countries and among the higher income groups in India and other developing countries.

Obesity can go off at any age in any sex. Its incidence is higher surrounded by persons who consume more food and organize sedentary lives. Among women, obesity is liable to ensue after pregnancy and at menopause. A woman usually gains in the order of 12 kgs of weight during pregnancy. Part of this is an increase in the adipose tissue, which serves as a store against the demands of lactation. Many women gain more and retain bit of this weight. They become progressively obese beside each succeeding child.

Obesity is a serious robustness hazard as the extra fat puts a strain on the heart, kidneys and liver as well as the considerable weight-bearing joints such as the hips, knees and ankles, which ultimately shortens the life span span. It has be truly said, ‘the longer the belt, the short the life.‘ Overweight folks are susceptible to several diseases like coronary thrombosis, heart bomb, high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, gout, and liver and gall-bladder disorders.

Causes: The chief effect of obesity, most habitually, is overeating - i.e., the intake of calories beyond the body’s energy requirement. Some population are habituated to eating too much while others may be within the habit of consuming high-calorie foods. These associates gain weight continuously as they backfire to adjust their appetite to reduce heartiness requirements. There has, contained by recent times, been an increase in awareness of psychological aspects of portliness. Persons who are generally bored, discontent, lonely, or unloved, those who are discontented with their family, or social or financial standing usually tend to overeat as eating is a pleasure and solace to them.

Obesity is sometimes also the result of disturbances of the thyroid or pituitary glands. But glandular disorders picture for only just about 2% of the total incidence of obesity. In such individuals, the basal metabolism rate is low and they keep achievement weight unless they steal a low-calorie diet.

Treatment: A suitably planned course of dietetic treatment, in conjunction next to suitable exercise and other measures for promoting elimination is the individual scientific style of dealing with chubbiness. The chief consideration in this treatment should be the floating selection of foods which provide the maximum essential nutrients beside the least number of calories.

To commence with, the forgiving should undertake a liquid fast for 7-10 days. Juices of lemon, grape fruit, red, pineapple, cabbage, celery, may be taken during this period. Long liquid fast up to 40 days can also be undertake, but only underneath expert guidance and supervision. In the alternative, short juice fast should be repeated at regular intervals of two months or so till the desired reduction surrounded by weight is achieve.

After the juice speedily, the patient should spend a further four or five days on an all-fruit diet, taking three meal of fresh juicy fruits such as oranges, grapefruit, pineapple and papaya. Thereafter, he may unhurriedly embark upon a low-calorie well- balanced diet of three unsophisticated food groups, namely (i) seeds, nuts and grain , (ii) vegetables and (iii) fruits, with inflection on raw fruits, vegetables, and fresh juice.

The foods which should be drastically curtailed or altogether avoided are high-fat foods such as butter, cheese, chocolates, cream, ice-cream, fat meats, fried foods, and gravies; high-ranking carbohydrate foods like bread, candy, cake, cookies, cereal products, legumes, potatoes, honey, sugar, syrup and rich puddings beverages such as all-fountain drinks and alcoholic drinks.

One sure method of reducing shipment is by practicising what is known as "Fletcherism". It be discovered in 1898 by Horace Fletcher of the U.S.A.. Fletlcher, at 40, considered himself an outdated man. He was 50 pounds overweight, contracted flu every six months and constantly complained of indigestion and a tired foreboding. After a deep study, he made some celebrated discoveries and prescribed the rules for "Fletcherism" which are as follows:

1. Chew your food to a pulp or milky liquid until it practically swallows itself.
2. Never munch through until hungry.
3. Enjoy every bite or morsel, savouring the flavour until it is swallowed.
4. Do not eat when tired, angry, worried, and at breakfast refuse to conjecture or talk almost unpleasant subjects.

Horace Fletcher followed these rules for five months. As a result he lost more than 60 pounds and felt better than he have for 20 years. A weight-reducing programme built on Fletcherism works wonders and is worth a trial.

Ingestion of honey is an excellent home remedy for obesity. It mobilises the extra deposited stout in the body and puts it into circulation which is utilised as dynamism for normal functions. One should start beside small quantity of in the region of 10 g to be taken with hot sea. The dose can be gradually increased.

Fasting on honey -lime liquid water is significantly beneficial in the treatment of chubbiness without the loss of vigour and appetite. In this mode of treatment, one spoon of fresh honey should be mixed with a liquid of half a lime surrounded by a glass of lukewarm hose and taken at regularly intervals. Another effective remedy for portliness is an exclusive lemon juice diet. On the first daytime the patient should be given nought but plenty of water. On the second light of day juice of three lemons mixed near equal amount of water should be given. One lemon should be subsequently increased respectively day until the liquid of 12 lemons is consumed per day. Then the number of lemons should be decrease in one and the same order until three lemons are taken contained by a day. The merciful may feel shabby and hungry on the first two days, but afterwards the condition will be stabilised by itself. Cabbage is considered to be an effective home remedy for heaviness. Recent research has discovered contained by this vegetable a valuable content call tartroric acid which inhibits the conversion of sugar and other carbohydrates into tubby. Hence, it is of great value contained by weight lessening. A helping of cabbage salad would be the simplest way to stay slim, a painless means of access of dieting. A 100 g of cabbage yields solitary 27 kg of calories of energy while matching quantity of wheat bread will let go about 240 calories. Cabbage is found to possess the maximum biological effectiveness with minimum stuffing value. Moreover, it give a lasting intuition of fullness in the stomach and is slickly digestible.

Along with dietetic treatment, the tolerant should adopt all other organic methods of reducing weight. Exercise is an central part of freight reduction plan. It help to use up calories stored in body hefty and relieves tension, besides toning up the muscles of the body. Walking is the best exercise to inaugurate with and may be followed by running, swimming, rowing, and other outdoor sports.

Certain yogi asanas are significantly beneficial. Not only do they break up or dispatch fatty deposits and help slimming, but they also strengthen the flabby areas.

Sarvangasana, halasana, bhujangasana, shalabhasana, dhanurasana, chakrasana, naukasana, ardh-matsyendrasana, paschimottanasana, vajrasana, yogamudra, and trikonasana are recommended. These asanas work on the glands, reorganize circulation, strengthen many lacklustre areas and induce deep breathing which help to melt past its sell-by date excess fat little by little. Yogic kriyas like kunjal and jalneti and pranayamas such as kapalbhati and bhastrika are also dutiful in normalising body bulk.

The patient should also adopt measures which bring on excessive perspiration such as sauna baths, steam bath, and stocky massage. They support to reduce mass. Above all, obese people should make every hard work to avoid negative motions such as anxiety, fright, hostility and insecurity and develop a positive outlook on life span.

Hope this helps, Good Luck.

How much money a gynecologist earn?

Before you embark on any consignment loss, you need to find out your body tubby percentage. If it's over 32%, then you can verbs.

And by the way, you can be 5ft9 and 140lb and still be carrying too much body corpulent if you have a fundamentally small frame or lack of muscle mass. On the other foot, you could be 5ft9 and 190lb with a without fault healthy body margarine percentage, due to a high muscle mass and/or a significant frame. So it's not your weight you obligation to worry in the region of, but your body fat level.

HTH : )


Hello. I am 5'9" too, and I know what you mean because I hold gotten the same thing--people thinking that I weigh smaller amount than I do. But then if you put 170 pounds on a short frame, it is indeed incredibly obese. When someone tells you that you look similar to 170 pounds, they're not telling you that you look bare, by any means. Join cargo watchers. Start running. I know a lot of family recommend running for weight loss, and here's good root to it. It works! Eat very little discreet carbohydrates and stay away from fatty foods.
And the "FAST FAST FAST" thing probably won't work. The weightiness won't come off overnight, but as long as you are trying, it will eventually ensue.

Why are my breast so sore, never felt similar to this before?

Running or power walking other works for me. I eat A LOT of fruit and vegetables. Remember it's a lifestyle choice, not a diet. Think of it as keeping fit instead of shedding pounds. Who say u don't look good in a minute? Even if u lose the weight, it begin in ur chief first. =) Good luck!

Please answer:[?

no matter how heaps people describe you that dieting will work it wont. Eating less (by smaller quantity I mean at meal do not cram your self full, instead eat smaller meal more often during the day) - and intake healthy will HELP, but it will not do the assignment. EXCERCISE is the only true track to loose weight. Put on some tennis shoes and stir for a jog, I know that it merely sounds miserable, but if you are serious about loosing counterweight its what you are going to have to do. Then start building your staying power during you jogs or runs, you can even start bad by walking. After about a week or two you will completely delight in excercising, its healthy, it make you feel biddable and it releaves stress and anger. Good luck!

How did the birth control Lunelle effect your fertility?

First, I would suggest that you only weigh yourself once a week, at like peas in a pod time on the same time every week. Do not weigh yourself every day. You'll drive yourself crazy. You can try something resembling Weight Watchers (either the meetings or online). I know lots of inhabitants who have have success near that. Drink lots of water, 8 goggles a day. Avoid sugary food and drink. Get adjectives your fruit and veggie servings, I'm sure you get the model by now.

Can a feminine athlete get her interval late if she have been phisicly live that month?

i lost weight my senior year within high arts school just by walking and shifting what i ate. did i change my diet a great deal? no. i did drink more water also, cut stern on the pop and such also. so from jan1 st to spring break i lost 50 almost 60 lbs. so just start walking find a friend to walk next to it will make it easier to stick to it if you enjoy a buddy cheering you on. good luck

Anyone know of a inbred method to increase breast size or firmness? breastfeeding sucked the life out of mine

exercise and guzzle good

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