Am stilla vergin can I attain pregnant?

ok once me and my boy friend were kissing and after he tried to touch me, I didn't let him fingure me so he newly touched the outside then he have his liquid coming out of his penis. but his penis be like a agency from my hole( on top where the spike is ). I was so startled because am still a vergin and idont wanna get straight away i went to the bathroom and i wash myself very angelic twice. can i be a pregnant?

Can you take a Midol when you enjoy cramps but haven't started your period nonetheless?

No! As long as there wasn't access and then ejaculation inside of you. I do recommend that you want out a birth control method, immediately! I would abhor to see you become pregnant when it is not wanted. Pregnancy should be shared next to two people who are prepared for it! Seek birth control enormously soon though. I wish you lots of luck and hope my answer help!
Oh and ignore ancestors who think that answering a interrogate with an insult give or take a few spelling is a way to communicate! It is deeply immature! Worry more or less the issue, your question!
Good Luck!

So i inevitability a reduction?!?

its a greatly sweet fluid released from the Cowper's is food for the sperm during their long swim in search of a hot egg....the fluid is also call pre-c u adjectives likelihood it have no adjectives likelihood u are not pregnant....but....u mention nought about human being married and this activity is in consequence out for the lightening bolts....on ur agency to HELL....its God's Plan...Let us Pray...

3 broken toes?

Nope, you're fine.

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You could be pregnant.


maybe. The semen can travel. Just wait and se if you go and get your period. Next time, don't consent to him get that close, if not cover it up. You should be okay though.

Nuvaring-reinserting early?

oh, to be that childish and naive again...

your fine, only make him wrap it up subsequent time

How do you get rid of discharge?

ummmmmmmm how hoary are you? Lets see fingering you isn't going to get you pregnant. But if he's playing beside you down there beside his penis and even though he doesn't stick it in semen will still be in that. Oh and washing won't do a bit of well brought-up

Last week i was really stressed,i didnt want to be preg. next i missed my period can stress incentive that?

I understand your man upset, you must be very immature. Well it's quite impossible you are pregnant...
But bear a look at some good biology books and mop up away all your doubts...

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Let this be a lesson to you. Quit fooling around unless there is a condom between you & him.

You'll know if you're pregnant if you start missing period.

Condoms and more condoms?

It is impossible to get pregnant similar to that.What happened be that your boyfriend ejaculated(came)before he even entered your vagina.That is why you must hold him wear a condom! young men are not fully formed in bed and so they usually don't know when or how to verbs out when they are about to ejaculate.Lucky for you both he come before he even have a chance to enter.Next time own him USE A CONDOM!

How do you make a tampon?

Theoretically the sperms can enter into your vagina and you can bring back pregnant.

I'm a female, and is it conventional to think in the region of sex a lot?


What is the heading of Suzanne Sommer's book on menopause? Have you read it? Did it help?

There is a haphazard, depending on several things. Not likely base on what little detail you gave. If near is any possibility you got anything on the inside of your body, consequently there is a kismet.

Doing what you guys are doing is going to lead someplace, it's not credible your bf will not want to push you further. That said, maybe it's time for a hot bf. Be prepared, watch him, listen to him for the choral clues he will give you to helpfully or not so gently push you to be in motion further.

You CAN get pregnant the first time. The 'other' methods of birth control and STD protection are never as locked as just not doing it. While you may love him, if he is going to push you or put you in situations approaching last hours of darkness, just to label himself feel correct, then conceivably it's time you saw someone else? But if you keep going on this road, and you bring back as close as you did last time, after you need to return with on the pill and use condoms. Just look at the billions of people around, they alllllllllllllllll get here that way. Many, oodles were conceived because the parents be careless. A tot will change your life span forever. So will an STD.


It's not likely that you're pregnant from the above encounter. However, since sperm cell tend to swim with vigor (!) upstream against adjectives odds, better be sure to own yourself checked out if one of the sperm managed to close up hitting one of your eggs and you now find yourself pregnant.

Contraceptive pill problems?

OK, (first swot how to spell)! But you shouldn't have be fooling around like that! It be so easy for you not to be a virgin! If his sex drive took over adjectives he had to do be hold you down and get what he needed! You know don't worry, you'll find out! But No your not pregnant! Ignorant nymph!

Serious cross-question about getting a breast raise.?

as long as the liquid didn't move about in your hole afterwards you should be fine.

Morning after pill?

it is possible for semen {that liquid coming out of his penis} to travel into your vagina from up above it. and it just takes a drop to get hold of you pregnant. you shouldn't let him put his penis that close to your vagina ever again, as you are noticeably too young to own babies. there are plenty of other things you can do to seize sexual gratification without running the risk of an unwanted pregnancy. doesn`t matter what you do, make sure that none of his semen, or the clear bit of stuff that comes out until that time the actual semen comes, gets anywhere effective your private place. that is asking for trouble. as for whether you are pregnant presently or not, only time will notify. odds are that you are not.

How do you really be aware of about abortion?

just tolerate him stick it in subsequent time

Need help( Women only)!?

since you cannot even spell it correctly you should definitely not be doing what you are doing!!!

You can still attain pregnant even if his penis does not go within your vagina....if his semen/sperm (liquid as you called it) get into your vagina, you CAN get pregnant

What is the best tampon brand.?

Punch him within the head subsequent time he tries something and slap yourself too for being dumb. But if you hold a kid that's great!:)

What's the best method of birth control?

its very doubtful, plus i merely know of 1 virgin who conceived a baby, and that be the virgin mary!

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