No period, misery in lower right side, What is cause this?

I haven't been getting a term and I have a twinge in my lower right side, What could be cause this? I have gone to the doctor several times. All they hold said is to go on birth control to regulate my period. I don't want to do that, cause we would close to to have kids within a year or so, but I'm concered with the dull pain? I went sour the pill in July 2006 and get normal period for about 3 months. I have an pelivic ultrasound, everything looked normal. Then my interval stopped, it was over 112 days since I have one. Went to the doctor for an annual pap test and get provera to bring on my period. Everything looked average, hormones were fine. I get my period after the 12 year from the provera, now I haven't have it since. Now it's been 70 days. I go back contained by to the doctor (2nd clinic) Had a pelvic exam, found nothing. All the doctor did be give me more provera and told me to travel back on the pill. What is cause me not to get a interval & to have niggle? I'm 23, married and not pregnant.

Ladies, I have a interview about the IUD.?

If your doctor won't discuss to you, maybe his or her nurse will, or perchance you need another doctor. Be upfront in the region of pain, worries, and your eventual desire to own children.

Could be endometriosis but only a doctor could diagnose for sure.

I am 17 weeks pregnant and own hpv?

May b it's your apendix, unless thats your left side... may b , return with it checked

Birth control -- moody?

Has a doctor ruled out an eptopic pregnancy? I would make sure that they own checked for that most likely by ultrasound.

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