Can you take a Midol when you enjoy cramps but haven't started your period even so?

Because I have cramps and I know I am going to start soon but I haven't all the same. Can I still take some Midol for the cramps or do I enjoy to wait until I in fact start?

Women: Question about menstrual cramps?

yes you can. i do it adjectives the time just beforehand i know its coming.

and then you enjoy your period and no cramps ! :)

i also bear ibuprofen 800 mg from my doc that helps too earlier the cramps start and have a complete day free from them.

moral luck

from the staff of

Lost virginity, had bleeding during the sex, not alot. Whats the symptoms after losing it?

Yes, read the sign

How often should one urinate during the time? what is a healthy amount?

Yes, you can purloin Midol before you start your extent. I even take it contained by place of Tylenol sometimes.

What does it mean when your length lasts longer than it should?

Yes, it is a misery reliever & diuretic for (bloating)
Take it now. You don't hold to wait.

What food can i put away to help my anemia?

absolutely! i do adjectives the time.

Moody oody oody?

i think's other good to start taking it in the past you start ur period...but you should ask ur doctor if you can...of late to be sure.

Pregnancy or Stomach Virus?

i should think so i enjoy irregular periods and i do it adjectives the time you should be able to capably actually yeah my doctor told me that so you should know how to

Iam 21 yrs old..5 weeks pragnent, checked near my gyn but iam not showing any symtoms of pregnency yet..?

You can bear it before, it does give support to!

What can i do? Girls help?

you can use it anytime. It will work. As long as you aren't allergic

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