Termination advice?

Very complicated story, having be in a bridal which died a long time ago, I finally plucked up the courage to leave 2 weeks ago and be having a bubble finally realising my independence again. I've also be having a relationship near another man who was a angelic friend for years and this has only just changed into more, early days but highly happy. Realised two days ago that my time of year was unpaid. It's got to be my husband's as my friend have a vasectomy 8 years ago. Sod's law - hub and I solely had sex once closing month (always thought I could not fall pregnant as I enjoy endometriosis and we had be trying for over a year before appendage, hence the lack of contraception). I am presently seeking the easiest and quickest form of termination (am between 3-4 weeks pregnant).

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you really need to conjecture long and hard in the region of your situation a termination is a hard conclusion to make, and you may regret your outcome if you don't stop and think..you influence you and your hubby had be trying for a year to conceive indicating you want a child, if there is a accidental of you and your hubby getting back together you obligation to discuss this with him, but if you hold made your mind up make an appointment at your doctors and speak about him/her your decision and they will clutch it from there. suitable luck with what ever you prefer

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Sorry to hear more or less your situation. Go to your doctor and ask for his advice.

whats your fave process to.?

no termination is EASY speak to your doc

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Theres the pill, which i dont recommend cause you own to do it at home and is painfull. You can do the surgery, which they knock you out nad you wake up beside a little bit of cramping and later they send you home (when its safe and sound to of course) i wnet thru one about a year ago. and they do it up to the 13th week. Its frozen emotionally. Phisycally all you experience is the cramping which isnt much more than your normal interval cramps. I called a free clinic (planned parent hood and theres also nearest and dearest planning down here in southern cali) and it was between 600-700$. polite luck to you

I'm 39 and experiencing heavy long period and shorter cyles. Suggestions as to why?

unfortunately u will prob get greatly of unwanted judgemental answers about this...if u are sure this is what u want next contact any of the private clinics and they will be able to insist on u better than anyone on here..good luck

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Hold on. It could be your "friends" babe. Yes, it is possible to get pregnant after a vasectomy. I know 2 relatives it happened to. I can think through wanting a clean break from your husband..but after adjectives, you DID have sex smaller quantity than a month ago. You really need to regard about this. Get the proposal of family and close friends. Not here. This may be your one and lone chance for the babe-in-arms you wanted so defectively.

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Since you are only two days slowly I would start with a pregnancy try-out and hope you are not putting the cart back the horse. If you are indeed pregnant weigh all of your option. Even if it is your exes child how do you feel give or take a few it? Did you try for so long to have a little one just because of hime of did you truly want to be a mother? You articulate you have endometriosis, this may be your lone chance. Would you cancel it just because it is the exes, or, because the brand new boyfriend doesn't want children? Just make sure that you produce your decision around you and no one else. Things tend to occur for a reason. Just don't bound too quickly.

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this needs to be your result to make..definitely if you decide to budge through with it you will be see be a counciller. i have be in equal situation, even though i dont want children i found it really hard.. hope everything turns out for you..x

Why is my term light, short and kindly of clumpy ?

get stright to your doctor - the earlier you own it done the better.

are u unhappy? why? are u grief-stricken and angry? why?

You only said that your time of year is late, but not that a pregnancy have been confirmed by a doctor or even by a pregnancy trial. It is difficult, but possible, for you to conceive because of your endometriosis. But it's also possible for your period to only be late. And a previous poster is correct...a vasectomy is not foolproof.

Go to the doctor and be paid sure you really are pregnant, and then consider more carefully in the order of your options.

Hi Has a1 ever mis -carried an exp..stmch crmps 8 wk after?

no problem catch it done during your lunch hour if your in London or near! but will cost you///

Do you pocket pills for birth control?

Try Marie Stopes, I think they set aside one of the fastet services. They will be able to advocate you on the different types you can get.
They even roll the prices! http://www.mariestopes.org.uk/uk/abortio...

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Oh god.its not the best situation to be in! My warning is to go pop in your doctor and make sure your unambiguously pregnant, if you are he will take you throughrough adjectives your options and donate you any help and guidance you need. You should also guess about speaking to a close inherited member or a friend you can trust as a termination is not an assured thing to walk through alone! The earlier within th pregnancy the better, you can probably do it from home at the stage your at...but my advice would be to progress to the hospital where near are plenty of trained medical staff around for help and support.

Good luck and i hope everything go well for you! x

Why some women experience bleak (painfull) cramps every month for their menstuation?

find an abortion provider near you, they are nominated in the wan pages. they will provide you the best options.

Possibly have a Colposcopy done tomorrow?

Hate to say this but if you have been trying for a babe for a whole year prior to this afterwards how come your marriage died long ago? Don't gross a hasty decision which you might come to regret.

Call from the gynecologist?

just make available the baby to me or a apposite family within is alot of people out at hand that cannot have children and you are around to end the existence a baby... do you really want that. I hold one child and he is the b est thing that ever happend to me... deem about it this is a enthusiasm you are taking away. What make you have that right. GOD BLESS YOU...

why females are so bit..?

You may not bring some nice replies to this question due to subject thing and dont click on any web site as the pictures may upset you ok.
I dont know how ancient you are but if 25 and under run to nearest brook advise substance. You will have to see a counsellor first earlier you do go through near termination even if you go through route of GP you will enjoy to see one to ensure it is what you really want.
The whole process take two to three weeks if you are under 7 weeks tablet will be given if over afterwards a visit to clinic sooner or later for five hours.
Just think around what you really want I had a friend who get pregnant when her husband had vasectomy five years ago. It may be your current friends baby if it is your husband adjectives I ask is think just about it as it is hard to achieve pregnant with endometriousis and this may simply be trying to tell you something.
Anyway what ever you want it will be your choice and the right one for you good luck.

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