GIRLS ONLY! girls if we're in a NO RULES fray with a guy whats the best route 2 distract him then hurt him bad

and what can we do to capture him down on the ground? and when he is down on the ground, THEN what can we do to KEEP him down from ever getting back up?

What do you know in the region of the morning after pill? Help!?

Well, you know the best dirty fighting entail this: When he stands back up, he should be replying, "Hey, anyone want to buy some indisputable estate? I got a couple of ACHERS" LOL

Two years after my pregancy I'm still losing curls, Why? This can't be normal.?

Are you discussion about a phyiscal face-off or a mental fight. Because a phyiscal face-off may not be the best thing to do. But a mental "beatdown" can including recounting him things that have be on yiur mind for a while. and dont be afraid to use a little authority when speking to him. Then to preserve him down tell him things that he think is the best thing contained by the world, and you may not think it's that virtuous. Since there are no rules, permit him know that he needs you probally more than he requirements you,

Thrush/yeast infection from antibiotics?

hit him on the balls!

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