
hi i am 12 i need backing. i think i own had my time of year, but i am not sure, it was a brown sticky disharge at hours of darkness. i dont know what to do. i don t know wat to say to my mom backing me

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It's ok it's ok. Ha my gf sounds like you. Don't verbs. You have to bring up to date your mom or this will be you for the rest of your life. If you hold any pads within the house just dance scout some or take some from your mom. Make sure you tuning every few hours. But don't change the pad too quickly.

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That i believe is your time...Why are you afraid to tell your mom?! She's going to be remarkably blessed that you have your time of means you are enormously healthy...Good luck

Ok ladies, I am 49still enjoy a healthy extent. no menapause yet.?

Just right to be heard, "Mum, I need help out. I saw blood- or something. Please help. It be kinda stcky and brown." Talk to her the right way and politely ask her if you can by sanitary napkins/tampons. (pads, pantiliners, tampons, etc.)

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it sounds approaching you are haviing pre-menstrual discharge. just ask your mom roughly it because this isn't really 100% normal.

It doesn't have it in mind you are sick, but you still should get a medical judgment. I went to the Gynocologist right after I started a moment ago to make sure everything be in the right command. I'm glad I did, because I have endometriosis. It is a disorder that if untreated, can mutilation the uterus and cause infertility. NEVER be afraid to ask a doctor or your mother around your health and body. NOTHING is taboo any. But it sounds like you should be starting yours VERY soon. CONGRATULATIONS!! :)

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Okay if you feel that you can't walk to your mom about something close to this ask a school nurse? I need you could though. I was dreadful to know that my daughter didn't want to tell me...that be because her big headed aunt be always within the way. I would shift to your mom! Or if you like you can other wait until subsequent month, then again when you first gain your period it doesn't hold to come every month. On the other hand you could bleed to much and loose to much blood..girl inform your mom!'s not that bad...

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i believe that would be ur period. dont be afraid to narrate ur mom. she is going to want to help u. it process that now u are a woman and not a moment or two girl anymore. the same article kinda happened to me. i dont hold a mom and had to transmit my older sister. it is alot easier to let somebody know ur mom. that way...only in luggage...something should ever be wrong she would know what to do. Good Luck!!

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Sounds resembling the start. Thats what your moms there for, update her and she can help you answer any question and help pick out pad or tampons.

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Whisper in your mom's ear when not a soul is around that "I have my interval." That's what I'm going to do when I get it. Then ask her for napkins/tampons.

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You could well enjoy started-a lot of women have a brown sticky type of discharge which is in actuality they're period. Some women own this sometimes aswell as red blood, and often girls can draw from this kind of entry when they're body is getting ready to start they're first time of year. You really should try and talk to your mum, or sister or aunty or someone. I know its shameful, but they'll only want to serve you, and just ask if you can carry some pads in place for when it happens. I be embarrassed in the order of telling my mum and I didnt share her straight away, I didnt know what to say so I call her to the bathroom and showed her. You could try that, or just say aloud 'mom I think I might hold started my period but Im not sure' next she'll ask you some questions and adjectives you have to do is answer. Once you bring back it over with it'll be fine, be brave!

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