Does severe dyskaryosis rationale infertility? My mum had have a hysterectomy due to fibrosis, is there a interconnect?


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Dyskaryosis (aka dysplasia) mechanism that you have remarkable cells on your cervix. Severe dysplasia is a in principle serious condition that needs to be treated, since it can progress to cervical cancer if vanished alone. Try not to stress: with treatment, you will be fine.

Most cases of dysplasia are related to a adjectives sexually transmitted virus that about 75% of us will contract within our lives, HPV (human papilloma virus). There does appear to be some connection between infertility and HPV, although we aren't sure what it is. However anything i.e. amok with your cervix can really impact your ability to conceive

Your mom's fibroids can completely be related to infertility, though dyskaryosis is a separate issue. If your mom had them, you may be more prone to them.

Talk to your doctor. If you're hoping to seize pregnant, you should be doing this anyway, and they can give you flawless advice nearly the best thing to do surrounded by your situation.

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