Are there any side effects after person fingered?
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You're probably holding your breath or are gasping during it, that could explain the "blacking out".
But yeah, that's weird.
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What are you discussion about?Hormones?Women Only,Nurses Only.?
Whoa, that entity musta been really apt at it!!did you have an orgasm?
Really you should mind about human being fingered. There is a lot of microbes under race's nails and germs on their finger.
For starters no I don't mull over so and Eww!
Uh... thats weird. You may have need of to see a doctor. That's not normal. But no in that are normally no side effects afterwards.
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maybe you merely stood up too fast after you be done. it's probably something like that, i've never hear of anything like that taking place because of fingering.whhhhhhaaaaaa?
how dated r u?
um are you sure you werent' drugged? seriously. i enjoy never heard of that taking place before. but i would be more meticulous about what you are doing ... fingering can be dirty and spread germs very immediately. hands entail to be washed. and not beside spit with soap and river. and you might want to ask him to wear a condom on the fingers even. that way his nail aren't scratching the side of nouns. another thing to look for is bleeding afterward.
perchance you shouldn't try standing up so quickly afterwards... label sure you have be eating and don't hold your breath when standing up
I hold had length since April 1,,,this past few days hold been extremely bulky,,?
Was you finger printed? Did someone show you a finger? orWas you cavity searched? or be you piddeling? :-})
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Was it the same guy? If so afterwards he is reallllly good at fingering. Were you drinking at the time? Other after you being high-ranking on something I can't tell you why you would be endorsement out.- Why do women cramp when its that time of the month?
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