Natural way to acquire rid of UTI?

what is a natural method to cure a urinary tract infection without visit a doctor?

!!EMERGENCY please!!!?

Easy- flush it out, drink straight cranberry juice, and if you can go and get unsweetened that is even better. Also drink as much wet as possible. If you are experiencing any burning upon urination, you may want to try sitting in a tub with heat up water contained by it, it will relieve the pressure feeling. If this doesn't work contained by 24 hours, you need to see a doctor to achieve an antibiotic

To protect yourself from future UTI's: bring cranberry extract pills daily or drink cranberry liquid daily along beside lots of water. Make sure you urinate beforehand and after having sex- and lastly, wipe yourself from front to back--

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drink LOTS of liquid especially juice...
obedient luck.. I know they're painful... Don't dring milk.

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I don't consider so, and you have to mind your Ps and Qs because infections don't usually clear up on their own and I found out the hard agency that an untreated UTI can spread to your kidneys.

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Don't know if you can cure one, but drinking cranberry liquid or anything with alot of Vitamin C can sustain burn out anything and keep you verbs

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they say you should drink cranberry liquid... but I think beer (or coolaid depending on your age) could be more fun ;p

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drink lots of hose and cranberry juice, but if you tolerate it go untreated it can be intensely dangerous mind

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You should defintaly see a doctor because sometimes in need antibiotics you can get a pretty obnoxious kidney infection. But in the mean time you should in recent times be drinking lots of water or cranbury liquid. Lots of fluids. And to get rid of the stomach-ache go to your local drug store and purchase URISTAT, this works awesome to procure rid of the umcomfortable feelings and stomach-ache from a UTI but beware it turns your urine orange haha. Its for a moment weird but it works and trust me you will involve it. Good luck :-)

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Increase fluids including cranberry liquid. Can use ibuprofen or tylenol for pain as long as it does not interfere beside your other meds or your health history. There are a few over the counter drugs for UTI's but they unanimously do not work. If you are not better over the next few days, I would stir to see your doctor to be prescribed antibiotics

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Cranberry capsules beside plenty of water. You can also drink
plenty of Cranberry liquid instead of the capsules if you prefer.
And other drink lots of water.

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A lot of relations would tell you that drinking cranberry liquid (and LOTS of it) would be good--although I've been told by several doctors that doing that will actually individual irritate the UTI more. The reason man, cranberry extract is meant for PREVENTING the infection in the first place, not in fact curing it.
I know this may sound crude, but I would influence that your best bet would be to drink TONS of water (literally, cup after glass) while sitting on the toilet and just letting your urine drip slowly for several hours (if you own the time, of course). I've tried this method maybe three times, and it's worked two out of the three.
Good luck and devout UT health!

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u call for drink lots of water(add a bit salt) n use some aloe vera juice.

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If the symptoms own just started you may capture it in time with
UNSWEETENED CRANBERRY JUICE...not the cast-offs they sell full of sugar or artificial sweeteners, or blended beside other juices.Only the stuff you draw from from a health food store, or Whole Foods, Wild Oats, and even Trader Joes. Buy 2 quarts. NO Guarantee it will work adjectives the time. I cut it with sea. 4 ounces juice, 4 ounces hose down drink it down fast its REALLY SOUR Do this every hour you're awake. NO SODA ,CAFFEINE, during this time. Do this for 2 days. BUT IF YOU ARE FEVERISH appointment your Dr. go to the emergency room or local clinic because it could spread to your kidneys. Good Luck

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Cranberry pills and juice can prevent a UTI by making the lining of the bladder slippery as a consequence not allowing bacteria to attach. However, these things cannot prevent an infection. You may try drinking profoundly of water, and if the infection is not amazingly severe this may flush the bacteria out. UTIs can be pretty uncertain though, don't know that I would personally risk it. I own a history of kidney stones that are usually followed by UTIs, my first one spread to my kidneys and they stopped filtering properly and I have to be hospitalized. This was no fun, not to mention it have had ongoing damage on my kidneys. Go to the doctor, clear this up, you'll probably lone have to cart an antibiotic for 3-5 days if the infection is not complicated, so its really no big deal. If you can't afford medical treatment, call on a free clinic for assistance.

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