Can castrated men be still called men? I suggest, they have no more mannish hormones and can't perform close to men.

And what else does castration take away from men?

Ok Gurl thang!?

what castration take away from a man depends upon whether it's medical canstration or physical surgery. effectively it results in like peas in a pod thing - loss of sexual desire and loss of hormonal intensity.

but defining gender isn't predetermined to what hormones a person have. a man is a man so long as he looks and acts close to a man.

it is important to distinguish between sexual characteristics and sex too.

gender is the outward appearance/identity of the character.
thus, a person is transgendered when they retain their artistic body but take on the appearance of the contrary sex.

sex is their physical make up 'he bits' and 'she bits'.
thus, a character is transexual when they undergo an operation to redefine their body to the other femininity.

a man who has have all genetalia removed is still considered a man by femininity, but in language of sexuality he is asexual. Whether or not being asexual affects the man so much that he redefines his masculinity to suit his new sexual identity is up to him.

As a society we will verbs to see him as a man so long as that is the appearance and persona that he adopt.

Girls Only Please!?

I believe they're called eunichs.

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still have masculine nerves-which are suppose to be different threshholds to women!

Women merely please! sex issue?

Isnt that enough?

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this would nick away his ability to produce testosterone the mannish hormone, but its his mind that makes him a polite person or not, my tomcat is more loving since we have him done, hes still a cat, and a gentler one at that, men in the bible days be casterated and worked in the kings wives nouns to protect the kings many wives, but couldnt comfort himself to any of them

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Castration clearly makes a man not sufficiently expert to produce viable sperm and have children.

Strangely satisfactory, in Europe during the 16th - 18th centuries boys next to fine voices be sometimes castrated before puberty surrounded by order to sing in church choirs as castrati (male soprano) because of the Roman Catholic embargo on female singers.

Also, since the testes produce testosterone I deem that castration can result in probably the man not having any subsidiary sex characteristics like facial mane or shape of body.

In any case, the thought of castration make me cringe. Ouch - that must be painful.

Irregular time please help?

Isn't that approaching saying a woman that have had a hysterectomy is smaller quantity of, or not a woman?
I wouldn't think it would sort them not a man, being a man is more consequently just hormones and rite.

Could it be?

castrating a man will not change his inheritance. he will still be xy chromosome.


Guess they can still be called men, though they cant carry out like other males.

The loss of hormones is usually covered up by taking them in the form of capsule and injections with long-term effects. Such externally dosed hormones do restore their recital to quite a great extent.

Castrated males on hormone (testosterone) analysis also have external masculine features such as facial hair. They can also experience testosterone related shout and anger.

Yes, what they cant do is have children since they cannot generate semen and sperm.

What does it lift away? Some guys do it for some perverse pleasure, others for religious purposes and third- for medical reasons.

Some men lose their self esteem because of castration, more than ever, if it had to be done against their will- such as due to cancer or an disaster that damaged the testicles.

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STOP MALE BASHING, DILLHOLE. Don't verbs bout it. The main piece is it doesn't take away their brain ; however one female, you don't hold one so you don't know what I'm referring to.

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