!!EMERGENCY please!!!?

okay you look at the front of your vagina and u see two flabs that are together. like if u be looking in a mirror face on youd see two flabs that are touching next to a crack. that can open and next everythings inside.
well those two flabs on mine dont touch
theres rolls of skin from the inside of my vagina in between the cracks
and it hang out at the front and bottom
its like skin beside my clitoris or whatever
what is it:s
why is it approaching this
am i normal?
and ive nevger have sex before.

Could this still be true?

I did receive your private msg. Everyone is very different as far as what their labia looks close to, so what you describe is most likely run of the mill. Here's a drawing of what labia look like

Can anyone back?

idk wats wrong we both have equal prob help me and i will look it up lol lend a hand

Untreated yeast infection?

it doesn't have to every women have a different vagina believe it or not some people those flaps of skin stick out so look at this diaphram it shows you different looks of a vagina don't verbs its just a drawing that label the parts some have flaps that touch some don't they enjoy one were one of the flaps go on top over the other flap your totally normal
http://www.teenwire.com/interactive/do-a... consequently look threw all the animations and click on fig palm leaf but you have to enjoy flash

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