Using a contraceptive pill to stop extent?

I'm going away on holiday and dont want to be on my period when i be in motion away. I've heard that in no doubt contraceptive pills will stop me from having my spell, is this true?

If so how long do i need to lug them for before they work?

I solely want to stop one period from occuring.

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It is true but you want at least one cycle on the pill to know how to dalay or stop your period. Also the type of pill have to be monophasic, which delivers indistinguishable amount of hormones everyday.
IThe best solution for you is to take a Progestogen such as Noriethisterone up to a week or 10 days past the period that you want to postpone is due ( the before the better). This needs to be taken 3 times a morning continuously until after you return from holiday, and can then be stopped. Period usually follows give or take a few 48 hours later.
Go and see your Gynecologist and ask her for the pills, i'm sure she/he will be positive to help you.. Enjoy your holiday!

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Having an contraceptive pill effects your hormones. Don't do it.

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If your on the pill just don't transport the weeks break, just start the alien pack right after you finish the last one and your interval will be delayed for one month.

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You can probably ask your Doctor around this. However, yes there are pills that can do this, but I've individual heard of ones that will bestow you a period four times a year or own it last for not as much of days. However, I would not recommend them, they can hinder your probability of having children then in the adjectives.

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When you are due to stop taking your tabs, take on taking them, so instead of having a seven light of day break you take your tab through that seven day spell.This in turn will stop your term. Carry on taking the pill as if you had have a break and continue as conventional.

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its typical for you to take the pill ten days back having sex, so i would think about that you would need to give somebody a lift it about ten days up to that time if you were planning on ahving sex on holiday to stop you getting pregnant, but if its only to stop your bleed then 2-3 days will be adequate. There are certain hormones surrounded by the pill which supress periods.

enjoy a fab time

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Hey i am on the pill. If i dont want a period i will lately start the next pack straight away in need the break. This isnt the best thing to do really but i enjoy asked for advise from my doctor and in attendance is no real menace to it, although not advisable to do it for more than 3 months at a time. I am not a doctor and obviously it differs from individual to individual. but fine in my feelings as long as not continued for more than 3 months.

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It doesn't necessitate to be a contraceptive pill, that might take longer to work and may not even stop your period at all. Go to your docs, they hold pills which can stop you bleeding entirely and you just filch them for when you want to stop. I can't remember what they're called by my doctor give them to me when i went on holiday. have been on the pill too and knowing what they can do to your system if you're that process inclined i'd say simply go to your docs, read aloud you want to stop your period for your holiday and they'll sort you out from nearby!

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Talk to your doctor. Its massively common for populace to do this, and once wont hurt you. You usually just dont nick a break between packs. You shouldnt do it habitually though.

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It works. I've done it. Go catch the birth control pills from the doctor, any kind will do. When you pocket them, don't take the ones that are for the week of your menstrual cycle; they are usually colored differently from the rest. Just save taking the regular pills; you will probably miss your next time of year, but sometimes this takes a month to work. The depo shot can also stop it, but not other.

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if it's just once - no big settlement - some try for months on end - that's not hearty - usually the firrst month it works - you take the 3weeks of the pill and after when ou would normally filch the sugar pills for a week/onothing for a week - you start the next pack - it'll trick you body - only remember that as soon as you stop the pill you can expect your period again!

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you have need of to already be on the contraceptive pill to benefit from this.....on the pill you take it for 21 days and consent to your body have a "bleed" for the remaining 7 days after start taking the pills again...when you want to stop the period you dont purloin the 7 day newly carry on taking the pills for the full 28 days and don't miss sometime, its not harmful because when you are taking the 7 daytime break its not a real length but just a renunciation bleed you have, when i be on the pill i did this all the time to the point where on earth i never had a length, i then get the coil fitted when i hit my 30's cause it starts to gain dangerous afterwards if you are a smoker....

Anyway it depends on when you are going on holiday...if you are not on the pill just in a minute then you entail towait until the first day of your subsequent period and start taking the pill after, the bleed normally stays in that for that month but when you are due the next time you can overlap the pills and miss it! So as long as you've got plenty of time to do that babe you should be okay!!

Hope i engineer sense to you ...sometimes i tend to blather on a bit!!x

I've been on two types of pill for 2 seperate months within a row, when will my period come?

Please do not use any pills to stop your time of year! I say merely deal beside it because it is a way of energy and all girls hold it.

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Usually you take "active" pills for three weeks, followed by "inactive" pills for one week. Your interval usually comes during that time.

To avoid your period one months don't nick the "inactive" pills. Instead start the next "active" pills.

week 1 "active" pills
week 2 "active" pills
week 3 "active" pills
week 4 "active" pills
week 5 "active" pills
week 6 "active" pills
week 7 "inactive" pills (period)

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Hi there, it depends if you are already on the pill. There are some variation of pill which mean you can give somebody a lift the pill 'back-to-break' without the 7-day break. This will imply that you won't bleed for 8 weeks (i.e. two lots of periods)

However if this is the first time you've been on the pill, you may seize 'breakthrough bleeding' which means that you may bleed continuously for a month, while your body get used to the pill.

If you haven't been on the pill back it is unlikely that your doctor will reccomend that you do back-to-back packs as your body will not be used to it. In short, it's honourably unlikely that you'll be able to prevent this one time.

Problems with my term!I know it's long but please read it and answer it! :((?

According to this site, I quote:
"There may be a week when you would really like to avoid your time because of a special trip or event. You may accomplish this by not taking the placebo week of pills. Instead, throw them out and start your next pack of pills. Your term should hold off until you finish this unmarked pack. This works a bit better with monophasic pills than near triphasic pills. We encourage women to try this lone after they have be using BCPs successfully for a few months and have see how their bodies adjust to BCPs. If you'd like to try this method, phone your provider to discuss the details."

BCPs are Birth Control Pills. And the question to the above quote be "Can I skip a period conscious?"

There you go. [:

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Are you on the pill already?

If yes, if your period due the week of your holiday just start the subsequent lot of tablets straight away with out the break, you should capture your next term when you've finished that set.

Warning: your next length could be earlier or heavier.

Alway's speak to your doctor first

How can you form yourself have shorter period, or make them irregular? Because I hatred periods!?

Yes - when i be younger i went to my GP and they give me some tablets that would prevent me from having a term during my two week holiday- It is NOT a contraceptive although you could take a contraceptive if your planing on enjoy intercourse.

Can't wee?

take birth-control

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Hi, Your doctor will insist on you as there are tablets you can nick to stop your period. I individually would not advise it, i know someone who took them and one of the side effects be having a cough, and believe me did she take a cough whilst on holiday.

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I would say that it's adjectives to start using contraceptive pills just to stop your spell for a holiday,however there is a hormone related tablet call noresthisterone which my doctor prescribes for me occasionally which,when taken 3 days before you're due until you finish your hol will hitch your period temporarily and is immaculately safe to use from time to time.Hope this help!

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im not sure what here called but move about to your dr, my sister got them for when she be on holiday and they worked good she said. your dr should bestow you them i think you help yourself to them for about a week, best speak to the professionals though !
honest luck an enjoy your hols

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I done that. I took Marvelon vertebrae to back and it played havoc next to my stomach (shitting constantly, sorry people) and farting (sorry). I was also doubly hysterical. So good luck. I hope it doesnt ruin your holiday.


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