Worried!, plz help?

what are some very hasty signs of pregancy? if any.

What do all my symptoms include up to?

Hi, and thanks for asking a give somebody the third degree about your form. My name is Dr. D., Ev.G.
There are miscellaneous situations that might bring the awareness of an impending pregnancy to light. However, most in particular you will notice a scarcity of a period, which is commonplace during pregnancy. There are other symptoms. Weight gain, well that go without dictum. If you have a babe-in-arms growing inside you, well you'll gain substance. Then there are possible symptoms of diabetes, namely gestational diabetes. Tiredness, desiring sweet foods, etc. Due to fine-tuning in the electolyes and hormonal balance that arise, one may experience moodiness that is unlike what might be in general experienced. There may be hormonally induced stretch marks, or swollen ankles/water gain.
This will be a short index of reasons and situations that you might want to hold on to your eyes on. However you can go to a store, purchase an EPT(ErrorProofpregnancyTest) and get hold of very express, extremely accurate results. And if that doesnt' satisfy you, consequently you may repeat, or go to your physician and own him do a test to verify pregnancy or not. There will be beyond question after the results of the doctor's tests.
Hope this will assistance you.
If you have any further question, email me and I will try and steer you in the right direction.
Vote Dr. D., Ev.G. for best answer, and stay wholesome.
p.s. Keep in mind, in a minute that you know what I have said, you can be informed and relaxed. Stay unflappable. You will be alright

Birth control and diarrhea?

weakness, tiredness, sleepiness, hunger, nausea

I had my nuva ring out for four hours and have sex during that time, can i get pregnant?

They really differ for everybody. I be craving weird foods and really tired and cranky - i thought it be my depression flaring up again. There is also nausea, food aversions, weight gain, counterbalance loss, trouble concentrating, etc. sometimes there are no signs at adjectives. You might also be experiencing some of these symptoms because you're worried about self pregnant. best course of action would be to bear a pregnancy test or name your doctor:) Good luck!

How can I become a midwife?

My breasts were exceedingly tender - I was description of spacey for awhile, and I was so slow (tired) all the time. I didn't start to gain nauseous until similar to the 3rd month. I was purely really tired and airheaded.

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