Why do some men close to to give gyno exams to young-looking girls?

Do they think it's interesting? Or do they similar to to look at girl's vaginas all sunshine long? It's disturbing.

Very self conscious, why cant i be normal?

If you're speaking of gynecologists, it's their situation, for cripes sake. What's so disturbing about it? What do you suppose women would do if doctors refuse to give gyno exams? Get over it already.

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When you say aloud some men I sure hope that you're talking around Professional GYNO's (in there crust its their job), cuz if you're not then my piety that just sickens me if they're not!

My time of year?

i asked that question to my neighbor (we yak about everything as she is elder than me) and she said that its got nil to do with that, she said if a man like to set around and look at girls vaginas then it would carry pretty boring, and they seen adequate of em in near life.

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I don't think they 'approaching' the idea of looking at vaginas adjectives day. Don't cause it seem so creepy! It is their opportunity and it is a field to be exact interesting to them...and not because of the vaginas!!

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are you asking why there are mannish gynecologists? If the doctor is responsible and NOT a pervert, it's because he wants to serve women. Maybe he lost his mother/sister/wife/first love to ovarian or cervical cancer, maybe that's of late what he seemed to excel within. Just because he's a Male gyno, doesn't mean he's a pervert. I'm sure lesbians can by gynecologist, did they pick that because they want to look at puss adjectives day? probably not.

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believe me...its not as interesting as you might think! Drs see womans who-has' surrounded by the most DISGUSTING of shapes...They are proffessionally qualified Drs.ummm sort of the same as a Dr who cups your ball and says' "cough"...contained by the medical field we se MANY, plentiful things. Its like staring at a blank piece of serious newspaper...they are all duplicate! No one is taking pleasure out of this! The only passion a Dr gets from his errand is the PAY CHECK!

And uuuhh.not sure on the moaning thing..I enjoy yet to see or hear in the region of a woman "moaning" during her GYN visit.

First extent???

If you are talking just about gyn then its not interesting to them resembling you think. They any become gyn because they had a womanly relative die from cervical cancer or problems in that nouns.. or it may be just because they remember more in the region of that part of the body (as within reproductive organs) then other parts.. i indicate why does someone become a doctor of the foot, or anus (sorry don't know the proper names). they just remember more just about that area afterwards others..

If only females be allowed to be gyn then we would own a very short supply of them.. i hold a male gyn and i reckon he is great. Always polite, kind and tell me everything he is doing, even though i have have a pap for years..

trust me hunny, after a cancer scare or even kids and adjectives sorts of doctors male and womanly have looked at it you don't charge anymore.. they are there to do a opening and thats it. He is there to detect is something is wrong.. not to check it out

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I know that in that has be lots of abuse reported lately by mannish obgyns sexually abusing their patients through indecorous exams, and there must be much more UNreported incidents because victims too terrified to step up. My g/f was lately given an UNcomfortable rectal exam which she said lasted forever. She be asked to bend over the table (while standing on a stool) with legs spread, after he began asking her private question about anal sex and adjectives, then he spend time probing her anus region while spreading her far-reaching open near his hands, and stuck TWO fingers in her (supposedly to be aware of for fibroids or something), and to top it off, wipe the lube off her butt resembling he was wipe her after taking a poop. She said she was bent over for what seem like 30 minutes or so (there be a clock on the wall). So, it DOES happen and ethnic group need to be aware of it. From very soon on, my g/f insists that I accompany her to adjectives her exams with her topical doctor. Of course she changed Drs. and reported this one to the Ethics Commission and MCCP.

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There are plenty of male doctors out near who are perfectly professional. There is nought disturbing about a masculine gynecologist. I have two favorite gyns... one happen to be male. If the other one wasn't available, the manly one would be my first choice.

What is disturbing is that there are plentiful people out here who think that the gyn is lone after one thing. It's pretty credulous and immature thinking.

There are righteous doctors, and there are doomed to failure ones. It doesn't matter what sexual category they are.

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