My own discharge is in white form and a touch bit thick.?

Though doctor call it candidacies.
My question is what would be the best solution to this?


I enjoy a corn and it is killing me. What should I do?

This would be candidiasis, which medium it is a yeast infection. Yeast infection symptoms include a yeast type odor, itching around the vaginal opening and surrounding nouns, and a cottage cheese type discharge. Your doctor needs to confirm this contained by person beside an exam, if he hasn't done so already. Then over the counter medication can be obtained. Make sure you munch through a balanced diet, and drinking acidophilus milk or ingestion yogurt that contains live Lactobacillus organisms can also be helpful contained by keeping a balance. Cotton underwear is also positive in preventing moisture from developing. Make sure after going to the bathroom that you wipe from front to spinal column. Avoid use of any types of feminine sprays, talcs etc as they can also disrupt the normal symmetry. Also avoid any type of scented toilet composition. You can read more about yeast infections here

Advice on whip pls?

taste it ...dont go by the colour.

HPV vaccine?

dont fancy it...
its probably an infection...
drink alot alot alot of water.
and if it doesnt run away in 1 or two days see ur doctor

Why do you want to take the pill like time everyday?

I think you suggest Candidiasis. This is a yeast infection. Your doctor should have prescribed some medication. Just use as directed,

How does it surface like to do it unyielding?(not exercising)?

Most candida infections can be treated at home with OTC or prescription medication. These include topical command of antifungal drugs such as clotrimazole (Femizole-7, Gyne-Lotrimin), miconazole (Monistat-Derm, Monistat Vaginal), nystatin, tioconazole (Vagistat Vaginal), or oral administration of drugs such as fluconazole (Diflucan) and amphotericin B. Many women prefer a single, oral dose of fluconazole for vaginal candidiasis, fairly than topical creams. More serious infections may need IV medication given at the hospital.

Hymen causes external change once broken?

candidiasis is simply your common yeast infection. There are diverse OTC anti-fungals you can use to treat it, as well as several influential Prescription ones as well.

As part of the pack of combating a yeast infection I would recommend a diet that helps the body build supportive bacteria that compete next to the yeast infection. Most yogurts today contain l-acidophilus, which does this. And it can also be purchased as a supplement.

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