My boyfriend wants me to hold sex with him but im too young at heart!?

my boyfriend wants me to enjoy sex with him but i am opening to young but i have a feeling like if i make clear to him no! or say im to childlike or im waititing for marriage im panicky he will dump me and i realy like him what should i do

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How old are you?? I hold a 15 year old sister and I ALWAYS notify her that if a boy wont respect that you are a virgin and dont want to have sex but then he isnt worth your time!! Anyone that REALLY LOVES AND RESPECTS you will except the reality that you want to wait! Dont impart it up to anyone, wait till you are old-fashioned enough and are fully erudite on how to protect yourself. You have to be primed for something like this or it wont tight anything and you will regret it for the rest of your life ... retrieve it for someone that is going to stick around for a long time and explicitly going to love and respect you!!

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if hes gonna dump you over sex next thats stupid. hes not even worth your time, but if you both feel similar to your both ready after go what feel natural. theres no shame surrounded by having sex

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if he really loves you he will understand and will lurk for you but if he dumps you then he wasnt worth it anyways!

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You need to stick beside your convictions! If you do not feel that you are organized to have sex consequently you are not ready, if your boyfriend truly loves you or care about you later he will understand. I surmise it is awesome that you are wanting to wait for marriage ceremony way to walk girl. Don't ever let someone else resolve when the time is right for you to have sex. Honestly if your boyfriend doesn't support you surrounded by your decision to remain a virgin at this time in your existence then it is best for him to turn. Your body belongs to you and only you own the right to decide what happen to it. You will know when the right time for you is, until then preserve saying no. (besides from what I have a handle on most girls' first experience isn't all that great so bring in sure it is someone who really deserves it)

Personal question no mingy comments please! help?

if he really loves you, he will respect your result, if he dumps you, it would be ok because you dont want to be pressured into something you dont want to do.

I need abet now ?

I'm so glad to hear that you want to dawdle for marriage, and be aware of you are too young right very soon. So many girls leap into having sex in the past they are actually primed emotionally and physically. Tell your boyfriend that you don't want to because you are too young and that you want to skulk until you are married. If he doesn't understand and breaks up next to you over that, then he wasn't worth have at all. You deserve someone that will treat you the approach you should be treated, not someone who only requirements sex. (and if he breaks up with you because you don't want to enjoy sex, then that's adjectives he wanted) Wait until you are ready, and never own sex with someone purely because you are afraid of them breaking up with you, because here are plenty of guys out there that would treat you right. Good luck and I hope you two can work things out.

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If he dumps you because you won't hold sex then that in recent times proves that's ALL he wanted, don't do it!

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tell him to go to hell,and your untrained to give it up to you because i don't know if you'll dump me afterwards

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Definitely stick to your guns on this one!! Tell him exactly how you consistency and that the answer is No! You decide when you are all set, don't let anyone push you. If he breaks up near you because you won't have sex beside him then he is most for sure not worth keeping around. If you are waiting for marriage (which is great! I am too), he doesn't nouns like bridal material anyway. Get rid of him.

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you may really similar to him, but if he doesn't respect you and your decision after he does not like you as much as you close to him, so you should keep that within mind, also sex isn't all hyped up as what everyone think, you may just be dissapointed beside your expectations of it anyways, so always shift with your gut instincts and method to go for you for giving this some thought! respect yourself and look out for yourself it is your body and you do not enjoy to share it with anyone unless you want to and don't do it until you grain 100% ready, or you will probably regret it.

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if he loves u he wont evacuate u cuz of u not givin it up....

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don't cavern in to the self serving little bastard. You and your self worth are more advisable than someone who expects you to do something you don't want. Trust me. You will regret it for life if you underground cave in. I know this as a guy who used to be a teen boy that be concerned more about getting my rocks sour than the feelings of my girlfriend.

sincerely, a dad of teen girls.

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a guy who would dump you over sex is a jerk. He should respect you and what you want. Don't be afraid to narrate him.

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Sweetheart, if he'd dump you because of your refusal to permit your body be used as his personal trash can then he'd dump you over other thoughtless reasons as in good health.

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SAY NO!If he dumbs you for not have sex for him he is NOT worth even think around him..Because not only he doesnt love you he also doesnt respect you and watchfulness about you..Dont sacrifice yourself to him..Cause its sacrifice when you do smthing you dont want to and next you feel really bleak psychologically..

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You are a girl growing up and you are antiquated enough to bring in your own decisions. If you don't wanna do it, detail him NO, but explain your reasons why. Eg. Its against your princples, etc.
If he really like you for you, then congratulations on hooking up near someone who genuinely care for you! If he dumps you over this, then he's a moment ago a wolf in sheep's clothing. It'll hurt if he leaves you, but you can be sure you won't regret anything.
Sex is great if you do it near the right partner. If he persuades you, and you do it unwillingly, it won't feel as great as it should be.

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if hes not likely to wait for you, hes not worth it. If he loves you hell hang around and be understanding. You own to feel arranged before you hold sex and defintely not feel pressured into it.

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if u say no and he dumps u after he is just tryng to find some action, but if he really does trouble about u, he will respect u and hang around. Be the one who is in control, dont agree to some guy make u do anything, if he is an , hed dump u, and if ur smart ull know that he is not a virtuous person if he doesnt respect u

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