How to bring in my boyfriend stop freaking out?

Well I weigh less than I should for my age. I suppose to be hard by 98-104 but I weigh less than that. My boyfriend keep freaking out about me lossing substance. I only gain a few pounds but afterwards loss it. Even though he is skiny like me he is alway worring in the order of me and not himself I know he cares nearly me but I mean it drives me crazy. When I dont get through he makes a big treaty about it. I approaching being skiny it make me feel approaching I am beatiful and I fit in the within crowd this way. HOw can I get hold of my boyfriend to stop freaking out

Girls, please help me!?

As long as you're fit and in good health, your weight shouldn't concern so much. Some people enjoy a small frame and a high metabolism. That's existence.

Personally, he sounds a little controlling. Maybe he wants to go to classes or something? At the outstandingly least, you should report to him how he makes you grain. This is no better than when a guy hounds his girlfriend about self over weight. Just surrounded by the opposite direction.

Best of luck.

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If you are underweight and proud of it afterwards you have a poor self body doll and need to gain help. This is serious and apparently you don't see your altered sense of body photo as a problem. Sorry but it is and as I nurse of 33+ years I urge you to get comfort before it is to tardy.

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Honestly, if hes that worried about you're bulk... It sounds like a bleak relationship. I don't know how tall you are but 98 - 104 pounds sounds pretty small, and he have NO right to tell you you can't gain any cargo (whether you want to or not). Personally, I would break up with him.

But within reality, newly tell him you're not gonna stand for him trying to control you approaching that. AND THEN DON'T! Leave the rotten bast ard (sorry about the jargon, but I think its warranted) if he keep nagging you.

Im 5 Feet 6 Inches And Weight Only 110 Pounds. Any Weight Gaining Supplements?

eat. gain weight so that you're nutritious. perhaps see a counsellor something like your body image issues and potential drinking disorder.

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i deem your boyfriend is right to freak out!
Your not eating?!?!?! you realize that to me it sounds similar to you have an intake disorder. eating food is not going to trademark you gain a lot of counterbalance. its all roughly what you eat and how much, and not drinking at all is a problem.
your boyfriend, adjectives of your friends, and your family, but mostly you, should be freaking out!

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