Feminine question - be warn?

What causes menstrual odor? I miserable, if a woman cleans herself as she's supposed to and takes charge of herself - not odors caused by poor hygiene during that time of month.

I freshly wonder what in the body, what happen in the body to cause the (is 'blood' the correct term?) hold an odor.

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It's not really blood exactly. There's blood in it, but mostly it is the facing of your uterus being shed respectively month, and that's tissue. Tissue that is no longer needed by the body tend to necrotize and have a bit of an odor when shed.

Why do i enjoy discomfort from tampons ?

I have not have this problem. Someone who does should get it checked out, as it could be a bacterial infection or STD.

Am ISupposed to find my period 28-32 days from the tremendously last sunshine of my last extent of 28 days from the very la?

Iz u serious. I'm a ** and i know wat cazez that odor. Damn its tha blood. Duh!!!

Why after u hold been regular next to ur perid do u become irregular?

The odor would be from bacteria growing in/on the blood and wipe. Change pads/tampons more frequently.
Use cleansing wipes at toilet time to verbs the vaginal area.

If the odor is more severe and of a 'fish' type smell, it could be a bacterial infection and should be checked by your gynecologist.

If the odor is more of a sweet smell, it could be a vaginal yeast infection, if you also hold itching and irritation. If this is the case, continue for the period to be over, and use an over the counter vaginal yeast medication. (the 5 light of day regimens are better in standard than the 3 day type)

My obverse has become really massive - help me?

maybe mouthwash,

Should I lift birth control to regulate my periods?

Menstrual blood is hoary blood and tissue shed from the lining of your uterus every month or so. Since it is not 'fresh' blood, it is going to enjoy an odor.

If it is excessively bad, you may want to see your Dr. to check and see if you hold a gynecological condition that needs to be investigated.

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It's in the foods you chomp through also, I hear more fruits can help that.

Why does it burn when i try to enjoy sex?

It can be diet, personal hygiene, or blood content.

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Its the tissue, some of the blood clots are 3 weeks old-fashioned, old blood smells. You aren't doing anything wrong, don't be ashamed. Unfortunately nearby isn't anything you can do about it, I do not suggest trying any.

Uhm. Period question?

Blood from a cut finger have an odor too. Just remember to keep putting hygiene first. It's pure, and every woman is different.

How was it your first time have sex? (women answer only)?

What are you like 12 years outdated?
It's hormones...and actually...legitimate men tend to like them.
I've even specified a few men who called themselves member of the Red Wing...oh never mind...
Menstration is natural, it really doesnt hold an odor, it's a scent.

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Your menstrual flow itself have no odor. But once it leaves your body, the bacteria that are ordinary and normally present will start to break down the components of the flow, and that can rationale odors.

Here's some links about womanly body fluids and about feminine hygiene.

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Odoriforous menstrual blood can mean alot of things. You say-so that you have honourable hygiene right? So you can eliminate that. It can come from a bacterial infection, a sexual transmitted disease, or not varying your pad or tampon surrounded by a decent time frame. You should enjoy this problem checked out by your GYN.

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