Took a interview today, lines were giddy both of them. I have not gotten my term, but i am crampy?

I feel approaching i am pregnant and i feel approaching i may get my time. Both lines were woozy. what does this mean. Is the hope lost, it be a line for refusal and two lines for positive, one faint other kinda woozy, but still two lines to see. what going on . I am so sad, i really looked-for this

20 days late for length - not pregnant?

You are probably pregnant....The line is probably woozy because the hormone level is low. I would loaf a couple of days and take another oral exam. Do it first thing surrounded by the morning with your first pee that is to say when the pregnancy hormones will be the most concentrated.

Does any other women have diffuse hairloss and hold been diagnosed beside AA or AGA?

Try an Early Response test, they come within twin packs. They are the most sensitive!!

Problem next to spotting. (Sorry, this question may be gross to some)?

A splash is a line is a procession. Take a prenatal and schedule an appointment beside your doctor to give you some clarity.

I have two periods this month..and horrible cramps beside the second one. Anyone have any philosophy?

Lines can be faint if you are really hasty and don't have seriously of pregancy horomones yet. I bet you are, don't loose confidence. Just go to a doctor and check for sure. Also, you will still hold the cramps of having your term but does not mean that you are not pregnant. Good luck.

Really nauseating period, HELP!!?

A line is not necessarily a smudge. I would get it checked because probability are its a false positive. That happened to me and I thought I be pregnant because I was 10 days behind time and then get my period two days subsequent.

If someone has sports asthsma/ asthsma will it affect near singing? Because of the mucus? running out of air?

What usually happen in these cases is a human being can actually clear themselves believe that they are pregnant by anticipating the symptoms. If you want your body to become pregnant, your body will begin to conduct yourself as if it is. Bloating, cramps, headaches, backache, hormonal changes, mood swings, and a hindrance in your time of year. A false positive is very probable, so run see a doctor for a sure answer.

Hamstring and growth plate problems :[?

The simplest answer for this particular grill would be for you to go to the doctor. I hold taken pregnancy tests previously that have shown up both shaky and positive and i have not mothered a child but and am not expecting either. I hope the best for you knowing that you want a child but approaching i said before you should walk to the doctor for the clarity, a simple blood test will do the trick.

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