My face have become really large - give a hand me?

For some reason my frontage has become totally very ample. My fingers are swollen. Feet and ankles are swollen too.

I am not taking any medication. My thyroid test be normal- while my dad and sister have hypothyroidism. I remain tired. I hold muscle pain, hairloss, lot of abdominal flabby. I exercise 3 times a week - 200 calories. I drink a lot of wet. I eat lots of fruits. What should I do? I am around 30 pounds over weight.
Your suggestions are response.

I'm 16 and still don't have my term. Is this normal?

You call for to find a really good Internal Medicine Dr. who will run every question paper necessary until he/she finds out what is wrong next to you. Don't give up, find on line and research it yourself and relate your Dr. what you think it might be. You hold to be aggressive in your own condition care, you know your body better than any one else does!! Good luck, I hope you find out without delay. It could be something like Lupus or even a tumor on your pituitary gland so hope help soon!

I chew over i ovulate twice a month?

go to the doctor thats what i would do.

Can weight loss head to depression?

They really need to check your thyroid again. Get a second assessment.

Does it hurt and cause profoundly of pain?

Chick out this site.

What you are discribing sounds a great deal like my friend. He have Cushings Disease. I am not a medical expert but a lot of culture that have this hold a hard time diagnosing it. If any of this sounds resembling you go to your doctor and discuss the possibility near him/her. Get all the test done needed to diagnose it.

Whatever you do, make sure you shift to your doctor full of information and knowledge. If they waste to help you find a doctor that will listen and abet you figure it out.

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