What's a yeast infectio nand what casues it ?


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It's basically an inequity b/t yeast and "good" bacteria. It can be cause by taking antibiotics, from swimming or hottubbing, from wearing tight clothes that don't "breathe," from overdosing on sugar, from stress, or from any combination of the above. Yogurt IS helpful but it won't cure you. To cure the infection you entail either an OTC vaginal treatment, or a prescription pill from your doctor.

P.S. If you aren't sure that what you own is a yeast infection, see your doctor before you do anything.

P.P.S. And the infection isn't in your urinary tract. It's in your vagina. The human being above me is misinformed.

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common fungal infection of the vagina, characterized by itching, burning, or reddishness of the vaginal area.

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Candida albicans is the species of yeast that causes that.
Douching too much or using some antibiotics can result in this yeast to take over contained by your urinary tract and become an infection.
Don't listen to anybody that says that consumption yogurt can help clear a yeast infection; when you devour yogurt, the cultures in the yogurt procure annihilated by your stomach acids, and never make it to the nouns of the infection. Unless you want to try a yogurt douche. Wow, how disgusting, but I had to say aloud it.

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caused by a fungus call Candida albicans.

The acidic harmonize of the vagina can be changed by your period (menstruation), pregnancy, diabetes, some antibiotics, birth control pills and steroids tight fitting clothes . Moisture and irritation of the vagina also give the impression of being to encourage yeast to grow.

Yeast infections can be terrifically uncomfortable, but are usually not serious. Symptoms include the following:

Itching and burning in the vagina and around the vulva (the skin that surrounds your vagina)
A white vaginal discharge that may look similar to cottage cheese
Pain during sexual intercourse
Swelling of the vulva

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Sometimes you may hold the symptoms of a yeast infection- but may not have yeast. You should check it out beside the Dr.
The different things that may cause yeast infections are raining bathing suit-yeast breeds in moist areas. Antibiotics can cause it- they decimate the bad and the apt stuff. Your birth control pill can do it too. Things that change your hormones can bring one on- Pregnancy can do it too. Sometimes stress can bring one on. Things that hurt your immune system can rationale one.

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A yeast infection is a fungal infection in the vagina or in the masculine urethra. It is caused by and overgrowth of candida albicans (a "commonplace flora" in the vagina). This can come to pass in a womanly for several reasons such as taking antibiotics (very common), douching too much, hormonal change, pH changes within the vaginal fluid, and from someone performing anal sex and then vaginal sex ("dirty sanchez"). Of course, in that are other reasons as all right, but basically it's only just an overgrowth of the normal flora for some principle.

In men, the most common instrument to get a yeast infection is from have vaginal intercourse with a woman who have a yeast infection. Of course, if this happens and both empire do not seek treatment, the infection will in recent times be passed back and forth.

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