Does anyone know any good ways to gain weight??
Myself and my mom need ways to gain counterbalance, I'm only 100 pounds while my mom is merely under my immensity, please help. I really want to oblige me mom the most. :(
Help with determining all along my cycle?
U still want 2 eat in good health, but if u b like me and jump 2 fast food restraunt every nite nd draw from real stressed out u will start packing on the pounds immediatly... Im serious 2... Try KFC (Works wonders) But still devour fruits. See a doctor 2
DO any of you women feel drained when you draw from your period?
Eat, munch through, eat! Even if you touch full just drink foods which have lots of protein and possibly a little round doesn't hurt :) Eat meat as wellJust add more corpulent to your food. Excercize less and don't be affraid to own more sweats.
Any solutions for under breast odor?
go to Mc donaldseat lots of bread and pasta
Can any women proffer me some much needed advice?
EAT MORE MILKSHAKES! If you munch through more carbs and calories, I promise you'll gain weight! Oh and on your grocery detail add SHAVING CREAM! aND PUT IT ON YOUR LIPS, IT MAKES YOU GAIN 30 LBS EVERYTIME!Will be impossible to tell apart feelings when I expand them to a guy?
intake a lot more protein and try to do some pallid aerobic exercise to build some lean muscle